13 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Hesaw through everybody, but he saw through them precisely because the firstthing he looked for in people was the very thing he had seen in himself andmay not have wished others to see

      Does this support the idea of Narcissus? Yes, it means he sees his own reflection in others and understands others only because he knows himself. Demonstrates maturity



    1. After the two lovers have at last slept together, we learn that what each perceived as theother’s indifference and dislike had actually been signs of their affection all along. In fact, welearn that the signs they misunderstand are largely signs that each himself uses to conveyaffection, so that they are almost literally in love with their own reflections.

      "The signs they misunderstand are largely signs that each himself uses to convey affection, so that they are almost literally in love with their own reflections."

      Firstly, what does this mean, and how do we know?

      Does this show a disconnect between understanding one's own identity as he misunderstands Oliver's coldness which is actually affection? Elio does not have a grasp on himself because he misunderstands his own reflection, although he does come to understand him more as the story progresses.



  2. Jul 2024
    1. I always tried to keep him within my field of vision. I never let him driftaway from me except when he wasn’t with me. And when he wasn’t withme, I didn’t much care what he did so long as he remained the exact sameperson with others as he was with me. Don’t let him be someone else whenhe’s away. Don’t let him be someone I’ve never seen before. Don’t let himhave a life other than the life I know he has with us, with me

      Perhaps this goes to show how he sees Oliver as himself. Thus proving his hypothesis on the "Twisted Skein of Desire" where to be and to have are the same things, but on opposite sides of the river.

      And his insecurity blooming from not knowing who Oliver is when he's gone reflects his insecurity in not fully defining himself. It shows his immaturity and instability

    2. It was not only thenational hymn of their southern youth, but it was the best they could offerwhen they wished to entertain royalty.

      Show of his maturity by being called "royalty" because of his extensive knowledge that came from experimentation and not limiting oneself to a standard view of identity

  3. Jun 2024
    1. One day I saw Oliver sharing the same ladder with the gardener, tryingto learn all he could about Anchise’s grafts, which explained why ourapricots were larger, fleshier, juicier than most apricots in the region.

      When the apricots represent Oliver's deepest and most hidden fragments of identity, and Oliver "trying to learn all he could about Anchise's grafts" shows his determination in understanding his contradictory bits of himself, that don't meet his confident, tan caubois mannerisms. Furthermore, the apricots were "larger, fleshier, jucier than most apricots in the region". Indicating his understanding of his identity allowed him to mature into such a beautiful fruit.

    2. I was seventeen that year and, being the youngest at the tableand the least likely to be listened to, I had developed the habit of smugglingas much information into the fewest possible words

      Couple things: Elio ties the transition between immature to mature as the acceptance of a elongated, convoluted, and contradictory identity that cannot be condensed into words. Elio also displays this immaturity through one key behaviour: His "smuggling"of as much information into the fewest possible words, indicating his desire to condense his identity. Thirdly, in the next line, what that gives him in terms of appearance, he is unconfident and that juxtaposes him with Oliver

    3. No name added, no jest to smooth out the ruffled leave-taking,nothing. His one-word send-off: brisk, bold, and blunted—take your pick,he couldn’t be bothered which.

      Can this characterise Oliver as someone who doesn't believe in the constructed identities of individuals, seeing as he says to all, "Later!" without naming? Or characterise him as someone who has no respect for societal obligations and is simply true to himself in such way?

  4. Jan 2022
    1. Des initiatives pour protéger ces espaces :

      Arg3: Malgré les risques environnementaux qui pèsent sur les EM, il existe des initiatives pour protéger ces espaces

      • Réduction des émissions de CO2 GAS + niveau CO2 atm + température ++ océans = phytoplanctons moins utiles à l'homme Absorber 30% du CO2 généré par l'homme Produire 50% oxygène = indispensables pour la vie humaine sur terre.
    2. La lutte contre les trafics illégaux

      Arg3: Les Etats tentent également de lutter contre les trafics illégaux

      • Lutte contre la pêche illicite Selon FAO = 15 et 20 % des prises => 23 Milliards $ /an Moins de préservation du stock renouvelable = surpêche Concurrence déloyale = pecheurs + respect quotas

      • Lutte contre le trafic de cocaïne 2017 - 2019: Cocaïne saisie à bord d'embarcations commerciales x3 = 73 tonnes Moyens ? Sous marins artisanaux, Ou ? Antilles = plaque tournante Quelles saisies ? 3 tonnes sous marins par police espagnole en 2019

      • Lutte contre le trafic des déchets Cout traitement + législation contraignante = Etats exportent leurs déchets / filières illégales ==> Pays d'Asie et d'Afrique: ++ déchets électroniques Malaisie => FR: 43 conteneurs de plastique illégaux

    3. Des espaces qui suscitent des litiges et des contentieux

      Arg3: Les EM sont au coeur de tensions géopolitiques entre les Etats qui se disputent l'accès aux ressources halieutiques, hauturières et aux routes maritimes

      • Mer de Chine méridionale Chine // Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Indonésie, Malaison "langue de boeuf" => Archipel des Spratleys + Îles Paracels Zone de trafic CMM Territorialisation , militarisation des EM Mars 2020: percussion bateau de pêche vietnamien

      • Mer de Chine Orientale Chine // Japon Îles Senkaku et Diaoyu COVID19: Liaoning traverse ZEE jap

      • Mer méditerranée Turquie // Grèce // Chypre // Israël // Liban EM triangulaire de 850km² = réserves de gaz ?

    4. Les ressources énergétiques

      Arg3: les ressources énergétiques sont également exploitées dans les Mers et les Océans

      • les hydrocarbures 30% hydrocarbures proviennent de gisements offshore Mer du Nord, Mer Caspienne, Golfe de Guinée, Golfe Arabo-persique, Mer de Chine méridionale

      espaces inexploités: conditions extrêmes (Arctique), fonds marins profonds = ++ pression (Brésil qui se lance dans l'exploitation d'hydrocarbures au dela du plateau continental)

      • les énergies renouvelables off shore Usines marémotrices: UM de la Rance (Côtes d'Armor, FR) Parcs éoliens off shore: projets aux îles de Lérons, Europe = 1er prod mondial électricité = 5000 éoliennes off shore (Mer du Nord ++)

      • les avancées scientifiques possibles Bathymétrie est mal connue = couts ++ 90% des espèces marines resteraient à découvrir

    5. Argument 3 : Les routes maritimes, les points de passage stratégiques et les goulets d’étranglement : des espaces maritimes vitaux pour le commerce maritime

      Arg3: les enjeux vitaux des chokes points pour l'économie mondialisée et le CM Connecter espaces de prod°/conso° Espaces maritimes très réduits concentrent trafic maritime:

      • Canaux; Suez, Panama
      • Détroit, Ormuz, Gibraltar, Bab el Manbed, Bering, Malacca
      • Caps: Bonne espérance, Horn

      Détroit de Malacca selon Institut Supérieur d'économie marine (2017) 14M barils / jours Port Klang (Malaisie) = 12e port à conteneurs mondial "Dilemme de Malacca" selon Hu Jintao 20 - 25% du trafic mondial / an

      Dépendance = ouverture permanente des passages stratégiques Mauvaise situations: insécurité, piraterie, conflits, tensions géopolitiques sinon = perturber approvisionnement marchandises + matières premières = - économie mondiale EX: 1967 -> 1974 = pas Canal de Suez (G6jours) alternative = Cap de Bonne Espérance (+ temps, +argent)

  5. Aug 2021