3 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Of the Standard of Taste"
This reminds me of C.S. Lewis "The Taste of the Other" https://www.amazon.com/Taste-Other-Social-Ethical-Thought/dp/1573832685
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
childhood whose playfulness can in turn be a blessing to society
This reminds me of C. S. Lewis' appreciation of the child. Lewis believed children should be taken seriously and there is much to learn from a child's perspective. These beliefs were reflected in his works.
- Oct 2018
mikecosgrave.com mikecosgrave.com
A good character can sustain multiple narratives and thus lead to a successful movie franchise. A good “world” can sustain multiple characters (and their stories) and thus successfully launch a transmedia franchise.
Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" and their film adaptations are possibly the ultimate exemplar of the power of world-building. To a lesser extent (and aimed at a younger age group) would be C.S. Lewis's "Chronicles of Narnia" with various stage,T.V. film, animated and radio adaptations