6 Matching Annotations
- May 2020
github.com github.com
React Static is also a great replacement for the ever popular Create React App CLI. It provides a similar developer experience, zero-config environment, and features, but without boxing you in. If you ever need to customize your build system in React Static, there is no need to eject!
- Dec 2019
github.com github.com
I love this library. Migrated from CRA to nwb. That didn't work out. Neutrino was very easy to setup with almost the exact setup I had with CRA but with far more customization. Again, thank you. Have a good day
survivejs.com survivejs.com
Second, there are some fantastic projects out there like Create React App, preact-cli, nwb, and much more that avoid the boilerplate problem but at the expense of some other tradeoffs. Your configuration could be black-boxed and not able to be modified. They could force you to eject your configuration, making maintenance of the entire build dependency tree and configuration your responsibility again, and also preclude future configuration updates.
github.com github.com
Not maintained actively enough. Check out https://github.com/insin/nwb#react-components-and-libraries or https://neutrinojs.org/packages/react-components/
github.com github.com
Here are a few common cases where you might want to try something else:
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
Mentioned at https://kentcdodds.com/blog/tools-without-config:
There is a project called react-app-rewired by Tim Arney. It's awesome. However, I've taken a different approach to making paypal-scripts configurable. ...