2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2022
    1. In another respect, too, inequality has been retreating. Thespread o f IQ scores has been shrinking steadily - because thelow scores have been catching up with the high ones. Thisexplains the steady, progressive and ubiquitous improvementin the average IQ scores people achieve at a given age - at a rateo f 3 per cent per decade. In two Spanish studies, IQ proved to be9.7 points higher after thirty years, m ost o f it am ong the leastintelligent half o f the group. Known as the Flynn effect, afterJam es Flynn who first drew attention to it

      The Flynn effect was initially discounted as either an issue with changes in tests or longer school days or improved education.

      See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flynn_effect

      Link to the same idea in The Extended Mind: https://hyp.is/-84MoBWKEeyBfg9kUEdv2w/www.nytimes.com/2021/06/11/opinion/brain-mind-cognition.html



  2. Sep 2021
    1. Continual engagement with the mental rigors of modern life coincided in many parts of the world with improving nutrition, rising living conditions and reduced exposure to pathogens. These factors produced a century-long climb in average I.Q. scores — a phenomenon known as the Flynn effect, after James Flynn, the political philosopher who identified it.

      The Flynn effect is the substantial and sustained increase in intelligence test scores over most of the twentieth century.

      Research seems to indicate that the effect is environmentally caused: https://www.pnas.org/content/115/26/6674