- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Indyweb dev - inspiration - Douglas Engelbart - Collective IQ
- Oct 2024
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
If we can see how some of the basic assumptions that we bring to the development of computing technologies lead us away from improvement in our ability to solve problems collectively, we can reexamine those assumptions and chart a different course.
for - quote - Doug Engelbart\ - collective IQ - status quo heading in the wrong direction - Indyweb dev - flipping the web - Doug Engelbart - Collective IQ - the Flipped web
quote - Doug Engelbart - If we can see how some of the basic assumptions that we bring to the development of computing technologies - lead us away from improvement in our ability to solve problems collectively, - we can reexamine those assumptions and chart a different course.
Indyweb dev - flipping the web - Doug Engelbart - Collective IQ - Flip the current web - the Flipped web - leverage the decentralized design of the original web via named content of IPFS network
- Jun 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Der Rauch der kanadischen Waldbrände führt in Montréal zu dichtem Smog. Am Wochenende hatte Montréal die schlechteste Luftqualität der Welt. In der Provinz Québec gibt es zur Zeit 81 aktive Waldbrände, von denen 27 außer Kontrolle sind. Seit Januar sind in Kanada 7,4 Millionen Hektar Wald verbrannt. Von den 470 aktiven Waldbränden im gesamten Land sind 244 außer Kontrolle. . https://www.liberation.fr/international/amerique/montreal-suffoque-sous-un-nuage-de-fumee-du-aux-incendies-qui-ravagent-le-quebec-20230626_T62FG5AXQ5GBTHKE7RTFRTDKNI/
- Oct 2022
Absolut hysteriskt kul.. :) <br /> Någon som är förvånad ?
Med de löner de har borde man kräva årliga , offentliga IQ-tester och högskoleprov. https://www.facebook.com/tilltropolitiker
www.svt.se www.svt.se
Med de löner de har , borde det krävas årliga, offentliga IQ test och högskoleprov. https://www.facebook.com/tilltropolitiker
- Sep 2022
The ARPA community was about, "Hey, we're in deep trouble and we're getting in deeper trouble. We need to get more enlightened and we need to do what Doug Engelbart called... we need to not just augment human beings, augment human intellect, but we have to augment the collective IQ of groups." Because most important things are done by groups of people. And so we have to think about what it means to have a group that's smarter than any member rather than a group that is less than the stupidest members.
!- salient : collaboration - the key point of the internet, or what was then called the "intergalactic network" was collaboration at scale to solve global challenges - The Most Important things are done by groups of people
- Jul 2022
Local file Local file
In another respect, too, inequality has been retreating. Thespread o f IQ scores has been shrinking steadily - because thelow scores have been catching up with the high ones. Thisexplains the steady, progressive and ubiquitous improvementin the average IQ scores people achieve at a given age - at a rateo f 3 per cent per decade. In two Spanish studies, IQ proved to be9.7 points higher after thirty years, m ost o f it am ong the leastintelligent half o f the group. Known as the Flynn effect, afterJam es Flynn who first drew attention to it
The Flynn effect was initially discounted as either an issue with changes in tests or longer school days or improved education.
See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flynn_effect
Link to the same idea in The Extended Mind: https://hyp.is/-84MoBWKEeyBfg9kUEdv2w/www.nytimes.com/2021/06/11/opinion/brain-mind-cognition.html
- Jan 2022
Local file Local file
Duckworth and Seligman, 2005;
He cites this article in line, but doesn't provide the details in the bibliography:
Duckworth AL, Seligman MEP. Self-Discipline Outdoes IQ in Predicting Academic Performance of Adolescents. Psychological Science. 2005;16(12):939-944. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2005.01641.x https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9280.2005.01641.x
- Sep 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Continual engagement with the mental rigors of modern life coincided in many parts of the world with improving nutrition, rising living conditions and reduced exposure to pathogens. These factors produced a century-long climb in average I.Q. scores — a phenomenon known as the Flynn effect, after James Flynn, the political philosopher who identified it.
The Flynn effect is the substantial and sustained increase in intelligence test scores over most of the twentieth century.
Research seems to indicate that the effect is environmentally caused: https://www.pnas.org/content/115/26/6674
- Jun 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
In GAD patients, high IQ was associated with a greater degree of worry (r = 0.46; p = 0.016). In healthy volunteers, high IQ was associated with a relatively lower degree of worry (r = −0.60; p = 0.009). The correlation between IQ and worry was significant in both the GAD group and the healthy control group. However, in the former, the correlation was positive and in the latter, the correlation was negative (see Figure Figure2).2)
It is almost like... for a person with GAD, having higher IQ correlates with greater degrees of anxiety. Very interesting.
Patients with GAD reported significantly more worry, exhibited higher IQ scores, and showed reduced concentrations of choline-containing compounds in the subcortical white matter voxels (see Table Table11).
Patients with generalized anxiety disorder having higher IQs also seems to go in the face of what Sinthe stated.
Others have suggested a positive correlation between intelligence and pathological anxiety based on the hypothesis that gifted children are prone to disharmonious development, which may result in the development of personality disorders, obsessional behavior, and anxiety disorders.
This links to pathological forms of anxiety - and the implications are for all sorts of development.
Intelligence creates disharmonious development due to not fitting in is certainly an interesting concept.
individuals exhibiting low intelligence are unable to make responses that lead to success, which in turn results in the development of anxiety (Phillips et al., 1960).
This flies in the face of what Sinthe stated - apparently, normal levels of worry might be due to lack of intelligence; not being able to figure things out adequately results in having a lower iq.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
According to Cattell's psychometrically-based theory, general intelligence (g) is subdivided into gf and gc.
G is divided into crystalized versus fluid intelligence according to Cottrell.
www.verywellmind.com www.verywellmind.com
Fluid intelligence refers to the ability to reason and think flexibly. Crystallized intelligence refers to the accumulation of knowledge, facts, and skills that are acquired throughout life.
fluid vs crystlized
link.springer.com link.springer.com
tress exposure facilitates ventral striatal dopamine release [22, 23, 56], and Robinson et al. [14] recently observed increased ventral striatal PE signaling (model-free) of negative errors of reward prediction (i.e. when received outcome is smaller than expected) during acute stress. Additionally, Otto et al. [16] reported that acute stress exposure reduces the amount of model-based learning in subjects with low working memory capacity (a measure closely related to fluid intelligence and general cognitive ability), while model-free learning was unaffected and thus shifts the balance from goal-directed (model-based) toward more habitual (model-free) learning strategies during decision making
People who have low working memory capacities have reduced [ability?] in model-based learning, and model-free learning emains unaffected.... The balance goes from goal-directed (model based) to habitual (model free) learning during decision making.
Recently, we reported that individual differences in fluid IQ are associated with VS BOLD PE signals, with stronger VS BOLD PE correlates in subjects with higher IQ [13]. At the same time, there is recent evidence that acute stress increases BOLD responses elicited by aversive PE signals in the VS [14]. Furthermore, fluid IQ and stress are well known to interact, with stress having a strong moderating influence on cognitive abilities [15, 16], reward learning [17, 18], risk taking [19], reward responsivity [20], and decision-making speed [19]. Also, stress due to social exclusion situations impairs cognitive speed and accuracy [21]. However, despite strong evidence for an impact of stress on cognition and decision-making processes, little is known about the specific patterns and moderating trait components underlying these changes on a behavioral and neuronal level. Interestingly, it has recently been observed that (on a behavioral level) acute stress does not impair so-called model-free reward learning, while more cognitively demanding model-based reward learning is more affected by acute stress when working memory capacity is lower [16].
The interaction here is interesting
- Dec 2019
rpadgett.butler.edu rpadgett.butler.edu
Th ough cautions are oft en expressed [e.g., Plomin, DeFries, McClearn, & Rutter, 1997], the fact that reported biological mothers-adopted children correlations are higher than adoptive mothers-adopted children correlations has had a big impact in psychology and on theories of development. Most usually, the correlations have been computed into heritability
This does suggest some of the supposed heritability is actually prenatal environment (or some other analogous factor). It's also possible that e.g. mitochondrial DNA plays a bigger role than previously recognized, much how thyroid status is the #1 predictor of mental retardation. Perhaps IVF will shed further light on the issue.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The average IQs of adopted children in lower and higher socioeconomic status (SES) families were 85 (SD = 17) and 98 (SD = 14.6), respectively, at adolescence (mean age = 13.5 years)
I'm looking for the smallest standard deviation in an adopted sample to compare the average difference to that of identical twins. This study suggests that the SD in adoption is identical to the SD in the general population. This supports the idea that lower SD in adopted identical twins is entirely down to genes (or, in principal, prenatal environment).
Note that this comment is referring to this Reddit inquiry.
- Jan 2019
Curiosity Is as Important as Intelligence
This one is a pretty bold statement to make, in general.
Mike Johansson, at Rochester Institute of Technology, makes the case that curiosity is the key to enabling both Creative and Critical Thinking for better problem solving, in general.
What are some of your ideas?
Although IQ is hard to coach, EQ and CQ can be developed.
This one is an interesting phrasing -- there's a lot of debate going on about IQ being an outdated metric already.
For example, N. Taleb is very vocal that IQ simply does not make sense in today's society.
What do you think? Is IQ overrated?
psycnet.apa.org psycnet.apa.org
This means that it is actually easier to measure intelligence than many other psychological constructs. Indeed, some individuals trying to measure other constructs have inadvertently created intelligence tests
When I learned this, it blew my mind.
Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study
This is a study begun in the 1970s of African American, interracial, and other minority group children who had been adopted by White families in Minnesota. The 1976 results indicated large IQ boosts (about 12 points) for adopted African American children at age 6, compared to the average IQ for African Americans in general. However, the 1992 report shows that the advantage had faded to about 6 points when the children were aged 17 years. Generally, intelligence experts see this landmark study as supporting both "nature" and "nurture."
the Stanford-Binet intelligence test
Although the Stanford-Binet is historically important, the Wechsler family of intelligence tests have been more popular since the 1970s.
- Nov 2018
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
To make matters worse, "intelligence" itself is weaponized by the status quo against people of color and white women. That's especially evident in the continuing battles over the interpretation of IQ test results.
- Apr 2018
- Jan 2018
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Why there’s no such thing as a gifted child