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  1. Oct 2017
    1. to try to understand what is human by nature and what is human by social convention. It is always risky to think one under­stands the true intentions of great t

      If humans were just Human by nature, in America we would probably be a dictatorship. Minorities would be killed left and right and the impoverished would die of malnutrition.

    2. Rousseau was brilliantly correct in certain of his observations, such as his view that human inequality had its origins in the development of met­allurgy, agriculture, and, above all, private property.

      Rousseau’s evaluation was a success and his observations were correct about the evolution of human behavior.

    3. He talks about man's perfectibility, and speculates on how human thoughts, passions, and behavior have evolved over time.

      Rousseau’s intention and purpose was to evaluate and see how humans behavior has evolved,

    4. they are also timid, fearful, and more likely to flee one another than to fight.

      According to Rousseau humans are shy, scared, and will run from each other than fight each other.

    5. Unregulated liberty in the state of nature leads to the state of war, necessitating, as for Hobbes, a social contract for the preservation of natural liberty and property.

      When laws or regulations are not set into place then that leads to war and Hobbes doesn’t follow any rules.

    6. solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short

      I agree that humans would probably be like this. Even now it is clearly apparent that with laws human can be monsters, so without any laws I think our state of nature would be to survive at all cost and to do that humans would have a violent state of Nature as Hobbes has said.

    7. state of nature

      State of Nature is the basic instincts of humans. It asks the question what would be do it we weren’t governed(what did we do before we were governed) and why do we let ourselves be governed. Finding Mans State of Nature helps to understand justice and political order because it allows us to see the basic reason for needing a government and how it caters to Mans State of Nature.

    8. Plato and Aristotle argued that a just city had to exist in conformity with man's permanent nature and not what was ephemeral and changing.

      Shows some of the earliest belief on what it takes to create a thriving politically correct society

    9. Everything that modern biology and anthropology tell us about the state of nature suggests the opposite: there was never a period in human evolution when human beings existed as isolated individuals

      Show that while some believe humans were only driven by primitive things, there is proof that humans were always socially adept.

    10. Mutual human dependence comes about almost accidentally, as a result of technological innovations like agriculture that require greater cooperation.

      Explains how and why societies and mutual dependence is created.

    11. Savage man's ''desires never extend beyond his physical wants; he knows no goods but food, a female, and rest"; he fears pain and hunger but not the abstraction of death

      This shows the basic human drives which changed forming mutual human dependence

    12. Aristotle differed from Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau in one critical respect.

      All human being are political by nature, while modern philosophers human are not born socially inclined

    1. communication

      We talk a lot and some of us are excellent speakers.

    2. but I think the stereotype is wrong—dead wrong.

      This stereotype is wrong because we are some of the best workers.

    3. Give a millennial employee a research assignment on your competitors and you’ll get the project back in 24 hours. Twenty years ago the same project might have taken a month to complete

      Millennials are more efficient in todays times

    4. They’ve been encouraged to follow their dreams and passions

      well paying jobs now a days are scarce so it's only right to strive for the best and follow your dreams.

    5. 1950s

      People who are quick to judge teens and young adults are often stuck in the past. Stuck in their ways.

    6. So where some see entitlement, I see greater authenticity and audacity. Millennials will shoot for the stars—and if they fall down, they’ll get right back up and try it a different way.

      While there is a sense of entitlement with the milleniall generation, there also comes a resilience different from former generations that allows this generation to bounce back from any failure and try again until their goal is reached.

    7. which is a huge plus for companies that are spread out globally and interact primarily in a virtual environment.

      The way generation X communicates through social media helps companies market that are international

    1. Fukuyama is being modest, if not disingenuous.

      He is being modest about the origins of "The Origins"

    2. By chance, these three elements were united for the first time in Britain, although other northwestern European countries that were influenced by the Reformation, like the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden
    3. epistemological

      Justifications that were wrong

    4. Some readers, however, may think that Fukuyama goes too far in de-emphasizing the natural rights tradition that inspired the Renaissance and Enlightenment liberalism. Here Fukuyama’s historicism and his insistence that ideas themselves shape political order are arguably at odds

      fukuyama takes way from the importance of the renaissance and enlightenment period

    5. Human

      Fukuyama explores the interactions of human beings in the past and dispells myths about interactions only consisting of violence and ignorance.

    6. How come, out of all the countries in the world, those places have been the most successful and lucrative in aspects of government, academics, and economics?

    7. How did he qualify his argument