8 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Jul 2024
  3. Dec 2023
  4. Nov 2023
    1. https://www.ebay.com/itm/404504721511

      Relisted at https://www.ebay.com/itm/404522331579

      This antique stacking file cabinet set is a beautiful addition to any home or office. Made of oak and manufactured by Globe Wernicke in the United States, these cabinets are both original and handmade. With a height of 78.5 inches, length of 25 inches deep, and width of 33 inches, they provide ample space for storage without taking up too much floor space.

      Modular/stackable, oak, multi-drawer, multi-size index card cabinet by Globe-Wernicke offered around 2023-09-20 for $10,500 (starting bid) or $15,000 (purchase). Free pick up from Lindon, UT.

      Appears to be a section of 6x1 drawers of 3x5 cards, a section of 4x1 5x8 cards, a section of 4x2 drawers for 4x6" cards, two sections of 3x1 drawers for 8.5x11 paper, a cabinet section and a bottm section of two pull out drawers.

      Total of 26 various sized drawers.

      (Second photo shows a separate unit of 9 filing cabinet drawers in three sections of three with a lower cupboard section; are they listed together though? If they're together then one could add another 9 drawers to the original 26 and recalculate the numbers below).

      cost per drawer: $403.84 (opening bid); $576.92 (purchase)<br /> (based on 26 drawers total)

      This is not as common as most certainly and earlier XX C.

  5. Sep 2023
  6. Aug 2023
  7. Mar 2023
  8. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. Macey - Wernicke Cards and Supplies can be purchased throughresponsible Printers and Stationers

      Apparently in addition to a Fred Macey Company and the Globe-Wernicke Co. there was a Macey-Wernicke Co. Ltd. which supplied card index supplies in 1904.

      Geyer’s Stationer: Devoted to the Interests of the Stationery, Fancy Goods and Notion Trades, Volume 38, 1904. (p333)

    1. TheGlobeWernicke Vertical FilingCabinets aremadeformosteverysizeofcommercialpapermanufacturedandin-cludeBill,Letter,Cap,Report,Document,and Card Indexfiles.

      Noticing that while other filing companies have smaller half or quarter page ads in System, Globe-Wernicke Co. has a full page add for their filing cabinets.