17 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. Der Klimawissenschaftler James Hansen stellt in seinem Bulletin fest, dass die 1,5 Grad Grenze "for all practical purposes" bereits in den kommenden Monaten durchstoßen werden wird. Hansen hat in den 1980er Jahren den amerikanischen Kongress vor der globalen Erhitzung gewarnt. Die Klimapolitik der UNO, die der IPCC abnicke, werde sich für alle als "eine Fuhre Bullshit" entpuppen. Andere Klimaforschende gehen davon aus, dass die 1,5 Grad Grenze nicht vor dem kommenden im nächsten Jahrzehnt durchbrochen werden wird, stimmen aber mit Hansen in der Beurteilung der praktischen Konsequenzen überein. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/08/global-temperature-over-1-5-c-climate-change

  2. Jan 2024
    1. Es ist noch unklar, ob die Rekordtemperaturen des vergangenen Jahres – vermutlich war es das wärmste seit 125.000 Jahren – Anlass zu einer Revision der zur Zeit benutzten Klimamodelle werden. Die Hypothese James Hansens, dass sich die Erhitzung der Erde beschleunige. wird von vielen Klimaforschenden nicht geteilt. Es gibt noch keine allgemein anerkannte Erklärung der Temperatur-Anomalien 2023. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/26/climate/global-warming-accelerating.html

      Infografik zu den monatlichen Durchschnittstemperaturen seit 1900: https://static01.nytimes.com/newsgraphics/2023-12-18-record-hot-year-embed/4055787d-f3af-401d-b252-1dfdff4811f4/_assets/chart_annotated-Artboard-945.png

  3. Dec 2023
      • for: James Hansen - 2023 paper, key insight - James Hansen, leverage point - emergence of new 3rd political party, leverage point - youth in politics, climate change - politics, climate crisis - politics

      • Key insight: James Hansen

        • The key insight James Hansen conveys is that
          • the key to rapid system change is
            • WHAT? the rapid emergence of a new, third political party that does not take money from special interest lobbys.
            • WHY? Hit the Achilles heel of the Fossil Fuel industry
            • HOW? widespread citizen / youth campaign to elect new youth leaders across the US and around the globe
            • WHEN? Timing is critical. In the US,
              • Don't spoil the vote for the two party system in 2024 elections. Better to have a democracy than a dictatorship.
              • Realistically, likely have to wait to be a contender in the 2028 election.
      • reference

    1. Washington is a swamp it we throw out one party the other one comes in they take money from special interests and we don't have a government that's serving the interests 01:25:09 of the public that's what I think we have to fix and I don't see how we do that unless we have a party that takes no money from special interests
      • for: key insight- polycrisis - climate crisis - political crisis, climate crisis - requires a new political party, money in politics, climate crisis - fossil fuel lobbyists, climate change - politics, climate crisis - politics, James Hansen - key insight - political action - 3rd party

      • key insight

        • Both democrats and conservatives are captured by fossil fuel lobbyist interests
        • A new third political party that does not take money from special interests is required
        • The nature of the polycrisis is that crisis are entangled . This is a case in point. The climate crisis cannot be solved unless the political crisis of money influencing politics is resolved
        • The system needs to be rapidly reformed to kick money of special interest groups out of politics.
      • question

        • Given the short timescale, the earliest we can achieve this is 2028 in the US Election cycle
        • Meanwhile what can we do in between?
        • How much impact can alternative forms of local governance like https://sonec.org/ have?
        • In particular, could citizens form local alternative forms of governance and implement incentives to drive sustainable behavior?
    2. next year we we'll know whether your your your numbers are right in your pipeline paper around May of next year 01:46:30 and then it's going to be a very warm year it's going to be a lot of Destruction then we need we need to see how far the temperature Falls with the elino with the linia that follows but I 01:46:42 I expect it's not going to fall as much as you would otherwise have expected because of the large planetary energy balance there's more energy coming in than going out so it's hard for the 01:46:55 linia to cool it off as much as it used to
      • for:May 2024 - James Hansen prediction, extreme weather event - May 2024 - Hansen 2023 paper, prediction - extreme weather 2024
    3. I think that we should be putting a high priority on developing the Next Generation nuclear 01:45:54 power uh but it's uh it's uh it's going to be a a tough job and as long as the as the special 01:46:05 interests are controlling our government uh we're not going to solve it
    4. I proposed that we although the workshop and I we brought the best experts from the United 01:15:48 States and uh the top nuclear experts from China and and talked about ways that we could make the Next Generation nuclear power which would be 01:16:00 inherently safer than the old technology in the sense that it would shut down in case of uh emergencies and earthquake or whatever
      • for James Hansen - nuclear, fossil fuel replacement - modern nuclear, question - Janes Hansen - ultradeep geothermal

      • question: What are James Hansen's thoughts on ultra-deep geothermal?

      • comment

        • obviously, Hansen advocates for modern nuclear since it is has the same high energy density as fossil fuels
      • annotate
      • for: James Hansen - interview - Paul Beckwith, Global warming in the pipeline

      • Summary

        • Paul discusses James Hansen's most recent, and controversial paper:
        • with guest James Hansen
        • the paper claims that IPCC protective are far too conservative
        • Micheal Mann fort I've, disagrees with it:
          • a
  4. Nov 2023
  5. Oct 2023
    1. James Hansen, einer der Entdecker der von Menschen verursachten globalen Erhitzung, kommt in seinem neuesten Kommentar zu dem Ergebnis, dass das 1,5 Grad-Ziel des Pariser Abkommens möglicherweise schon früh im nächsten Jahr überschritten werden wird. Ausschlaggebend dafür sei, dass die Atmosphäre weniger kühlende Aerosole enthält als früher und dass inzwischen auch die Antarktis zur globalen Erwärmung beiträgt. Hansens Ergebnisse werden nicht von allen Klimawissenschaftlerinnen geteilt, aber sehr ernst genommen https://www.theguardian.com/environment/commentisfree/2023/oct/19/will-the-earth-breach-its-15c-guardrail-sooner-than-we-thought

      Hansens.Kommentar: https://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailings/2023/ElNinoFizzles.13October2023.pdf

  6. Jul 2023
    1. Der Guardian hat James Hansen und andere Klimawissenschaftler:innen zu den aktuellen Hitzewellen interviewt. Hansen geht davon aus, dass sich die Erhitzung der Erde beschleunigt. Auch Forschende, die diese These nicht teilen, nehmen an, dass am Ende dieses Jahrhunder ähnliche Temperaturverhältnisse wie im Pliozän (vor 1-3 Millonen Jahren) herrschen werden, wenn sich die aktuellen Trends bei den Emissionen fortsetzen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/19/climate-crisis-james-hansen-scientist-warning