- Jun 2022
www.nationalreview.com www.nationalreview.com
A miserable sniveling little piece from someone who seems to be missing a larger rhetorical point. They barely peck at any actual argument, but resort to tangential ad hominem attacks in an attempt, yet again (should we be surprised?), to quite the voice of a Black woman who's simply trying to tell a story, and far succeeding the writer at it.
As an aside there's a lot to also be said about the presentation of this on the page as I'm viewing it. It's topped by a middle-aged white man with a paunch, ostensibly attempting to appear intelligent in front of a book shelf covered with world history texts which are ostensibly about "White" Occidental history. Further down the page all the ads scream at me with White Nationalism including t-shirts oozing with the American flag and white Christian symbolism. The amount of cruft and crap on the page seems to indicate that the NR is gasping for breath to put their ideas onto a page that's overcrowded with ads.
- Feb 2022
fivethirtyeight.com fivethirtyeight.com
Some good examples of senior and well-known people who have failed to get tenure, largely because of race.
Examples of how the system is set up to exclude diversity in terms of how the game is played.