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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Accounts of situated action in creative contexts can be observed in jazz improvisation where the musician pulls from pre-existing repertoire of musical ideas to respond spontaneously to a highly dynamic environment.

      similarly, Margaret Boden assigns this situated action into the conceptual space; in any field, there are underlying structures a person pulls from to create "spontaneously" - jazz, chess, and molecular structures are examples;

      carl sagan famously relayed that we are all stardust; all of creation is the remix of the same chemicals that make up the entire universe.

  2. Jul 2022
    1. various bibliographic catalog from the end of the '800 and '900 (from Paul Otlet/Henry La Fontaine Munaneum to Ranganathan faceted classification system passing through Niklas Luhmann, Carl Sagan and many others

      Look into Henry La Fontaine, Mundaneum, Ranganathan's faceted classification system.

      See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faceted_classification

      What was Carl Sagan's system?

  3. Oct 2021
    1. trailblazing physicist David Bohm and Indian spiritual philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti sat down for a mind-bending, soul-stretching series of conversations about some of the most abiding human concerns: time, transcendence, compassion, death, the nature of reality, and the meaning of existence.

      What came up for me in exploring the parallels between writing and mathematics.