- Feb 2021
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unfamiliar—that is, a metaphorical Journey in which designers move into unchartered territory by attempting to formulate what hasn’t yet been formulated.
Head Scratcher: using this simple explanation of "unfamiliar" we can see that it is difficult to navigate through territory that has not been properly formed yet or mapped out.
How do we move forward as Instuctional Designers into the future of Education and Instruction?
My best efforts so far have been to never be afraid to try new models or technology to lead your instruction.
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Critical and creative thinkers engage in active planning and forethought to set goals, outline strategies, and determine the best methods through which they can achieve their goals
Head Scratcher: How are we promoting critical and creative thinkers in our instruction?
As a high school math teacher this can be easier at times, and more difficult at times depending on the class and the course material. At times it is easy to promote creative when dealing with honors classing and higher math courses. But when working with remedial Algebra classes it can be more difficult to promote creativity and critical thinking because of high levels of apathy and prior knowledge. Sometimes the best way to promote success in those classes is through repetition and memeorization of steps to solve common test promblems.
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Are designers also wasting the time of the critics?
Wow what a way to end the chapter. Are instcutional Designers wasting their time decorating their instruction or filling them with jargon that they miss the point of educating the learners.
This is a wonderful story about something that anyone could be familiar with and understand how instrucitonal design can go at times. Lending to the attractiveness and lacking on the informing side.