- Dec 2016
www.gatesfoundation.org www.gatesfoundation.org
better align K-12 standards—including the Common Core State Standards—with higher-education standards.
Close reading, critical thinking, digital literacy and citizenship as h-aligned through lines here.
- Jun 2015
docs.gatesfoundation.org docs.gatesfoundation.org
> 500 students
We could probably claim we have (had) this many student users over time.
Web - based solutions that track a student's progress across most/all reading and writing skills and recommend discrete solutions from multiple providers to help build skills based on student performance
Then again, with the right kind of added infrastructure (tagging of annotations aligned with standards) and extraction of that data for visualization, I don't see why h couldn't fit this category. (At least we would have to say we are MVP stage for this level, though.)
“Solution” is our term for an application, game or website that come s from a single provider and address es some or all reading and writing skills and conte nt areas
hypothes.is would seem to fit best within this scope.
e have to ensure that our grantees provide broad availability and affordable access to the products they build using our grant funding. We call this Global Access
test bed schools.
classroom - ready di gital literacy tools,
Additionally, in order to address teachers’ time limitations, the interface that teachers use to customize the sequence or differentiate practice for students must be simple and user friendly in order for it to ever be used
performanc e data to be exportable
Educators believe that technology needs to help them more easily
We cannot make these users work for it. Features needs to be built-in.
Just managing distributing and collecting printed copies of 125 student essays per week was overwhelming – and providing edited essays to all students was nearly impossible.
Responses to student annotations could be seen as micro-lessons in writing.
Articulate the weaknesses in the current digital product offering and the gaps between what the market offers and what schools want to buy
Important to articulate this intervention
education.msu.edu education.msu.edu
95% of students between 12 - to 17 - year - old go online regularly,
Need source for that.
Web annotation engages students where they already are: on the Internet. And gives them a powerful tool for being thoughtful, engaged citizens therein.
coretools.ldc.org coretools.ldc.org
in-class, whole group annotation and discussion
Why not use a web-based application that allows for this kind of collaboration!?