6 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. We now know that the world has existed for billions of years,

      for - perspectival knowing - example - age of the world - number of galaxies

      perspectival knowing - example - age of the world - number of galaxies - This may be truth for one person, but not another - Our writing reveals our perspectives, and also determines who will or will not resonate with it

    2. I am writing this story from a particular time and place, and the story I am telling is limited by my cultural and experiential background.

      for - perspectival knowing - example

  2. Mar 2024
  3. Oct 2023
    1. it's hard to people to understand that you can be victim and perpetrator at the 00:35:03 same time it's a very simple fact impossible to accept for most people either you're a victim or you're perpetrator there is no other but no usually we are both you know from the level of individuals how we behave in 00:35:17 our family to the level of entire nations we are usually both and and and of course perhaps one issue is that we don't feel like that as individuals we don't feel that we have the full responsibility for our state so there's 00:35:28 a sort of strange problem here too which is that you feel as an individual that you're a victim and you feel distance from your state
      • for: victim AND perpetrator, situatedness, perspectival knowing, AND, not OR, abused-abuser cycle, individual /collective gestalt, Hamas Israel war 2023

      • quote

        • It's hard for people to understand that you can be victim and perpetrator at the same time
        • It's a very simple fact impossible to accept for most people
      • author: Yuval Noah Harari
      • date: Sept 2023
    1. an open problem really is and a 00:44:38 really good question is how we are defining a word and the unit the unit of analysis and so at the moment we are using our human discretion to to determine this in many cases like where 00:44:52 does a single Beluga call start and end um we're limited by our own perceptual abilities and what we can hear and and see in a spectrogram and so that does leave some room for error
      • for: perspectival knowing, example - perspectival knowing, situatedness, example - situatedness, interspecies communication - perspectival knowing

      • comment

        • situated within our own species, we are interpreting the signs from other species from OUR HUMAN PERSPECTIVE
        • this requires deep unpacking and brings up deep philosophical questions about what it means to be a species X
        • what's it like to be a bat? Unless we have the bat's physiology, neural structure, etc, how could we ever know how to interpret how a bat experiences reality?
      • reference