14 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2024
- Oct 2020
codesandbox.io codesandbox.io
validate={values => formValidation.validateForm(values)}
www.basefactor.com www.basefactor.com
Form Validation
return { type: "COUNTRY_BLACK_LIST", succeeded, message: succeeded ? "" : "This country is not available" }
It is easily extensible (already implemented Final Form and Formik plugin extensions).
Form validation can get complex (synchronous validations, asynchronous validations, record validations, field validations, internationalization, schemas definitions...). To cope with these challenges we will leverage this into Fonk and Fonk Final Form adaptor for a React Final Form seamless integration.
- interoperability
- integration
- final-form
- complexity
- Formik
- extensibility
- adapter
- form validation
- nice API
- react-final-form
- too hard/difficult/much work to expect end-developers to write from scratch (need library to do it for them)
- form validation library
- fonk (form validation library)
lemoncode.github.io lemoncode.github.ioFonk1
Fonk is framework extension, and can be easily plugged into many libraries / frameworks, in this documentation you will find integrations with:
formvalidation.io formvalidation.io
Add new plugin Recaptcha3Token that sends the reCaptcha v3 token to the back-end when the form is valid
github.com github.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
that a better and cleaner approach would be to use computed properties and a validation library that is decoupled for the UI (like hapi/joi).
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com