42 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Jun 2022
  3. Mar 2021
  4. Oct 2020
    1. Form Validation
    2. return { type: "COUNTRY_BLACK_LIST", succeeded, message: succeeded ? "" : "This country is not available" }
    3. It is easily extensible (already implemented Final Form and Formik plugin extensions).
    4. Form validation can get complex (synchronous validations, asynchronous validations, record validations, field validations, internationalization, schemas definitions...). To cope with these challenges we will leverage this into Fonk and Fonk Final Form adaptor for a React Final Form seamless integration.
    5. Just let the user fill in some fields, submit it to the server and if there are any errors notify them and let the user start over again. Is that a good approach? The answer is no, you don't want users to get frustrated waiting for a server round trip to get some form validation result.
  5. Sep 2020
    1. Form validation is hard. That's why there are so many different form handling libraries for the popular web frameworks. It's usually not something that is built-it, because everyone has a different need and there is no one-fit-all solution.
  6. Apr 2020
  7. Sep 2019
  8. Aug 2019
    1. This rule has a few exceptions: It’s helpful to validate inline as the user is typing when creating a password (to check whether the password meets complexity requirements), when creating a user name (to check whether a name is available) and when typing a message with a character limit.
    2. Ideally, inline validation messages should appear around 500 to 1000 milliseconds after the user has stopped typing or after they’ve moved to the next field.