8 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. Page for how to contribute to the Hypothes.is Project.<br /> - Code on GitHub - main repository: h - new feature ideas and current bugs: product-backlog - Chat in - Slack: anyone who wants to talk to contributors & community members, hang out, discuss project, get questions answered - Public forum: Less technical place for users to ask questions & discuss needs - Documentation - Using the Hypothesis API: enables you to create applications and services which read or write data from the Hypothesis service - Developing Hypothesis: set up development environment and contribute to Hypothes.is - Roadmap - High level view of features the dev team is evaluating, planning, & building

    2. One big feature that the Hypothes.is Notebook affords is indexing on replies (which currently aren't displayed on the Activity Page). I confirmed this on 2022-11-07 with one of Hypothes.is's support admins in their Slack channel.

      Sadly, this won't help my personal use case since I'm using the obsidian-hypothesis-plugin which seems to only pull highlights, annotations, and page notes from the Activity Page

      Consequently, I'll probably have to build something myself which will be somewhat painful but a good learning experience

    1. the functional core, imperative shell pattern

      Link to video on "Boundaries" doesn't go into depth on the functional core, imperative shell pattern. However, this one does: https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/screencasts/catalog/functional-core-imperative-shell

    2. For new code, it’s usually a good idea to design the code so that it’s easy to test with “real” objects, rather than stubs or mocks.
    3. We keep our functional tests separate from our unit tests, in the tests/functional directory. Because these are slow to run, we will usually write one or two functional tests to check a new feature works in the common case, and unit tests for all the other cases.

      Keep functional & unit tests separate. Functional for common cases, unit for all others.

    4. To run the backend test suite only call tox directly

      Probably means, "Call tox directly if you only want to run the backend test suite."

  2. Nov 2014