- Nov 2018
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Factors influencing teachers’ adoption and integration of information and communication technology into teaching: A review of the literature
This article is a review of literature regarding what influences teachers to adopt and integrate information and communication technology (ICT) in the classroom. This discussion takes into consideration age, gender, prior exposure to technology, and teacher attitudes. Further consideration is given to institutional support, technical support, available professional development, and access to both hardware and software. The conclusion is that there are numerous levels of support that are required to make technology support and training available to educators.
RATING: 7/10
- Feb 2016
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
lleged techn o - educational innovation is generally little more than a manifestation of the divergent interests of the stakeholders involved, with any convergence rarely linked to teaching or learning
convergent interests of stakeholders does not amount to innovation teaching and learning
why, despite all the material and human resources invested by major academic institutions, do these widespread IT systems do not bring generally speaking any great educational value, and fall even shorter from bringing the much expected innovation to learning?
Is all ict investment directed at producing innovation in learning? What kinds of innovation are expected?
“ Whatever happened to Instructional Technology? ”. With this publication , he highlighted a nd attempted to explain the persistent failure of ICT to penetrate the world of higher education, despite several decades of effort and massive inve stment (Geoghegan, 1994)
This may situate the problem quite deeply in the history of educational ict and support claims relating to the persistence of this problem in the face of numerous interventions.