3 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2023
www.loc.gov www.loc.gov
Arendt often typed replies on the reverse side of the original letters that she received.
- Jan 2019
foucault.info foucault.info
The letter one sends in order to help one’s correspondent —advise him, exhort him, admonish him, console him— constitutes for the writer a kind of training: something like soldiers in peacetime practicing the manual of arms, the opinions that one gives to others in a pressing situation are a way of preparing oneself for a similar eventuality.
With the advent of social media and digital communication letter writing has become lost. With less letter writing, do think we have lost this type of training?
- Jun 2016
Local file Local file
etter writing continued as a medium for theinformal exchange of information and for requesting fellowscientists to replicate experiments (Manten, 1980, p. 8).
replication happened outside of journals, via letter writing