2 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2020
www.scispike.com www.scispike.com
I came up with this solution by piecing together man pages and random google result. I was surprised at how many incomplete and inaccurate answers were out there. What may have been more surprising was the complete lack of a full intact solution.
- May 2020
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
Account Support If you haven't received your confirmation email, you can request to resend your confirmation instructions via our confirmation page.
This Account Support section only includes one possible problem related to account support
If you haven't received your confirmation email, you can request to resend your confirmation instructions via our confirmation page.
What about if you have any other issue with your account? How would you get support then? This would be a good opportunity/place to describe what to do in that case.
Presumably the answer is to submit support requests at <del>https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/support-forum</del> (to be shut down) or in the community forums.