- Oct 2024
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the real-ization of case studies that contemplate the complete transformation process under-taken by the organization that implemented agile approache
- Sep 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Fossilindustrie finanziert seit Jahrzehten Universitäten und fördert damit Publikationen in ihrem Interesse, z.B. zu false solutions wie #CCS. Hintergrundbericht anlässlich einer neuen Studie: https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/sep/05/universities-fossil-fuel-funding-green-energy
Studie: https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.904
- American Petroleum Institute
- Jake Lowe
- MIT Energy Initiative
- Princeton University’s Carbon Mitigation Initiative
- Exxon
- Fossil fuel industry influence in higher education: A review and a research agenda
- disinformation
- Geoffrey Supran
- negative emission technologies
- Accountable Allies: The Undue Influence of Fossil Fuel Money in Academia
- BP
- Jennie Stephens
- Emily Eaton
- by: Dharma Noor
- Campus Climate Network
- Fossilindustrie
- Data for Progress
- Favourability towards natural gas relates to funding source of university energy centres
- climate obstructionism in.higher education
- Jun 2024
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
for - from - Lilnked In Post - publication alert
from - Linked In - publication alert - Governance for Earth system tipping points – A research agenda - https://hyp.is/5KSgoipFEe-WkRuWZivLvw/www.linkedin.com/posts/manjana-milkoreit-9304313_governance-for-earth-system-tipping-points-activity-7207310870534578176-d9/
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Governance for Earth System Tipping Points - A Research Agenda
for - to - Linked In post - publication alert - Governance for Earth System Tipping Points - A Research Agenda
to - Linked In post - publication alert - Governance for Earth System Tipping Points - A Research Agenda - https://hyp.is/Y-UqTipGEe-EVuflmhInnQ/www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589811624000168