15 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2023
www.indeed.com www.indeed.com
In the layered architecture pattern, each layer fulfills a specific responsibility and role within the application. Some focus on user interface logic, while others handle the execution of business rules. These layers complement each other's unique purposes, but they aren't explicitly reliant on one another to perform their own tasks.
- Nov 2022
github.com github.com
highly recommended that the resulting image be just one concern per container; predominantly this means just one process per container, so there is no need for a full init system
container images: whether to use full init process: implied here: don't need to if only using for single process (which doesn't fork, etc.)
- Mar 2021
www.sitepoint.com www.sitepoint.com
The elimination of what is arguably the biggest monoculture in the history of software development would mean that we, the community, could finally take charge of both languages and run-times, and start to iterate and grow these independently of browser/server platforms, vendors, and organizations, all pulling in different directions, struggling for control of standards, and (perhaps most importantly) freeing the entire community of developers from the group pressure of One Language To Rule Them All.
www.codemag.com www.codemag.com
A MicroJS library is a small JavaScript library with a single purpose; you’ve already seen me use a variation of this phrase several times in this article
afarkas.github.io afarkas.github.ioWebshim1
Webshim is also more than a polyfill, it has become a UI component and widget library. Webshim enables a developer to also enhance HTML5 capable browsers with more highly customizable, extensible and flexible UI components and widgets.
And now that it's deprecated (presumably due to no longer needing these polyfills), not only do the polyfills go away (no longer maintained), but also these unrelated "extras" that some of us may have been depending on are now going away with no replacement ...
If those were in a separate package, then there would have been some chance of the "extras" package being updated to work without the base webshims polyfills.
In particular, I was using
which adds something that you can't do in plain HTML5 (that I can tell), so it isn't a polyfill...
- Feb 2021
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
An endpoint links your routing with your business code. The idea is that your controllers are pure HTTP routers, calling the respective endpoint for each action. From there, the endpoint takes over, handles authentication, policies, executing the domain code, interpreting the result, and providing hooks to render a response.
Trust me, I thought a lot about #validate and its semantics, and I am gonna make it even more "SRP" by making Form#errors and #valid? semi-public. All that happens via #validate reducing the possible wrong usage for users.
About #validate which fill attributes of the form, I think it's a problem of architecture and clarity. If you respect the Single Responsabilty Principle, you must to have two methods. This is wrong. SRP means your class does exactly one thing, which is reflected in a single public method. The more methods you expose, the less SRP you go.
About #validate which fill attributes of the form, I think it's a problem of architecture and clarity. If you respect the Single Responsabilty Principle, you must to have two methods. The validate method do two thing really different.
www.honeybadger.io www.honeybadger.io
Now let me ask you, do you write JS for a single page application differently from a "traditional" web application? I sure hope you do! In a "traditional" application, you can get away with being sloppy because every time the user navigates to a new page, their browser destroys the DOM and the JavaScript context. SPAs, though, require a more thoughtful approach.
- Jan 2021
atomiks.github.io atomiks.github.io
"Headless Tippy" refers to Tippy without any of the default element rendering or CSS. This allows you to create your own element from scratch and use Tippy for its logic only.
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
it focuses on compiling non-standard language extensions: JSX, TypeScript, and Flow. Because of this smaller scope, Sucrase can get away with an architecture that is much more performant but less extensible
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
Instead of using classes and local state, Deku just uses functions and pushes the responsibility of all state management and side-effects onto tools like Redux.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A class should only have a single responsibility, that is, only changes to one part of the software's specification should be able to affect the specification of the class.
- Jan 2020
buildingvts.com buildingvts.com
Arel’s responsibility is SQL query construction and optimization, and it knows very little about ActiveRecord’s Models and nothing about the database. Arel provides the basic building blocks for ActiveRecord.