5 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2023
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
One federal judge in the Northern District of Texas issued a standing order in late May after Schwartz’s situation was in headlines that anyone appearing before the court must either attest that “no portion of any filing will be drafted by generative artificial intelligence” or flag any language that was drafted by AI to be checked for accuracy. He wrote that while these “platforms are incredibly powerful and have many uses in the law,” briefings are not one of them as the platforms are “prone to hallucinations and bias” in their current states.
Seems like this judge has a strong bias against the use of AI. I think this broad ban is too broad and unfair. Maybe they should ban spell check and every other tool that could make mistakes too? Ultimately, the humans using the tool shoudl be the ones responsible for checking the generaetd draft for accuracy and the ones to hold responsible for any mistakes; they shouldn't simply be forbidden from using the tool.
- Dec 2022
github.com github.com
- Sep 2022
github.com github.com
the AST version of the code is vastly superior IMHO. The knowledge about what constitutes an access modifier is already encoded in the system so it makes more sense to just call the method to test the type of node. The regexp solution may be expedient, but it's not as resilient to change -- if new access modifiers are added in the future it's very likely this code won't be updated, which will be the source of a bug.
- Jan 2022
This proposal is deeply flawed and would have far-reaching consequences if implemented. In #31148 I proposed a strategy to address the same pain points in a correct, more generic way. Regardless of whether my approach is taken or not, async handling of promises is a core feature that simply cannot be deprecated, and we should remove the erroneous deprecation accordingly.
- Feb 2021
www.schneems.com www.schneems.com
When Sprockets was introduced, one of the opinions that it held strongly, is that assets such as CSS and JS should be bundled together and served in one file.