6 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Research has shown us that students’ relationshipswith faculty have a direct and significant effect on their scholarly engagement

      instructor - student relationship

  2. Jul 2020
  3. Nov 2018
    1. One of the most striking features of the quantitative and qualitative data from first- and second-semester German students is that the students interact directly with each other, as opposed to interacting mainly with the teacher. The changed role of teacher and students

  4. Mar 2017
    1. My colleagues were freaking out and this inspired the post Nature Regains Ground.

      changing roles panic disorientation teachers

    1. First day in class, we had students chatting with a friend of mine working on a Ski Resort in Australia,

      Porous walls. Hybridization. Change narrative

    2. Today as a teacher I am working with the UK, Poland, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Japan, the USA, Brazil, Cameroun. 5 years ago, I was only concerned with a room of twenty five students at one moment, today I am concerned with perhaps something over a 1000 or more students and teachers who are all over the place.

      Changing role of teacher