6 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2023
bonpote.com bonpote.com
The Shift Project has estimated that if only 3% of festival-goers attending the Vieilles Charrues Festival come by plane, they account for more than 60% of carbon emissions linked to public transport!
- for carbon inequality, carbon emissions - air travel, carbon emissions - concerts, stats - air travel - concerts
- paraphrase
- stats
- The Shift Project has estimated that
- if only 3% of festival-goers attending the Vieilles Charrues Festival come by plane, they account for more than 60% of carbon emissions linked to public transport!
- Tomorrowland concert - close to 25,000 festival-goers fly in via "party flights"
- North America Burning Man - 20% of festival goers fly in
- In general, the largest footprint for famous cultural events is air travel
- The Shift Project has estimated that
cleanscene.club cleanscene.club
- for: carbon emissions - DJ, carbon footprint - DJ, carbon emissions - music industry, carbon emission - cultural sector, research study - carbon emissions - DJ
- noteworthy
- some DJ's fly to perform in four European cities in a single evening!
climateuncensored.com climateuncensored.com
However, CCS on a powerstation is not going to stop CO2 being released from burning kerosene in an aircraft. The only near-medium term answer for this sector is a rapid, massive and fair cut in aviation use – at least until zero-carbon aircraft have replaced most of the current fleet.
- for: energy diet, energy fast, degrowth, aircraft emissions, travel emissions
- Jul 2023
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
- for: inequality, 1%, carbon inequality private jets, carbon emissions, patriotic millionaires
- title
- He’s a millionaire with a private jet. But now he’s selling it for the sake of the environment
- source
- date
- July 13, 2023
- Stephen Prince, vice-chair of the Patriotic Millionaires – a group of wealthy Americans pushing for higher taxes which also contributed to the report – is giving up his Cessna 650 Citation III.
- Mar 2023
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
1% of the world's population is responsible for an estimated 50% of emissions from commercial air transport, most of this associated with premium class air travel of affluent frequent fliers
- Quote
- carbon inequality stat
- 1% of the world's population is responsible for 50% of emissions from commercial air transport
- carbon inequality stat
- Quote
- Nov 2021
oxfamilibrary.openrepository.com oxfamilibrary.openrepository.com
Gösling and Humpe found that no more than 1% of the world population likely accounts for half of aviation emissions.30
Wow! Will carbon neutral fuels be greenwashing or real solutions? Will carbon neutral SpaceX flights be greenwashing, or real carbon neutrality?