2 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Nora reminds us, is be attentive to not what has been said but what the relationship is between what has and has not been said. Life happens in between the stories, not in them.
for - warm data - the silence between words
- Feb 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- Nora Bateson
- great example of
- warm data:
- a doctor who used to visit her mother at her home home
- the doctor's report of her mother's condition
- make up the "cold data"
- but it only told a part of the story
- the other part of the story was not recorded in the formal medical transcripts
- but was recorded in the living, breathing doctor
- who experienced the conditions Nora's mother lived in
- Was the room warm, or cold?
- Was there a lot of family support?
- Was there a lot of love in the human relationships? etc
- a doctor who used to visit her mother at her home home