3 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- Nora Bateson
- great example of
- warm data:
- a doctor who used to visit her mother at her home home
- the doctor's report of her mother's condition
- make up the "cold data"
- but it only told a part of the story
- the other part of the story was not recorded in the formal medical transcripts
- but was recorded in the living, breathing doctor
- who experienced the conditions Nora's mother lived in
- Was the room warm, or cold?
- Was there a lot of family support?
- Was there a lot of love in the human relationships? etc
- a doctor who used to visit her mother at her home home
- Nov 2021
norabateson.medium.com norabateson.medium.com
What is the word to describe how unseen, gradual processes come together to form life, vitality, healing, and ongoing learning?
From the question arises the need to coin a new term, aphanipoiesis. The question is the definition.
When change is sought through adaptation to existing systems, that change is sourced from the system itself. In this case, perpetuation is more likely than change.
People are trying to change something that they cannot perceive. Therefore, the only changes that are apparent are incremental changes to the existing system. It is a catch-22.