2 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. I found this really hard to read on archive.is (https://archive.is/YkIyW).

      I used this snippet to reformat the article to manually float the "annotations" (pull-outs) to the margins:

      ```` javascript document.getElementById("CONTENT").style.width = "1720px";

      ([ ...document.querySelectorAll("[id^=annotation]") ]).forEach((x, i) => { if (i % 2) { x.style.left = ""; x.style.right = "-44ch"; } else { x.style.left = "-44ch"; x.style.right = ""; } }); ````

  2. Feb 2021
    1. Sass

      Define variables, such as colors (e.g. $primary: #337ab7) in Sass (styles.scss) then compile to css for web.

      R library "bootstraplib" built on foundation of "sass".

      Use "run_with_themer()" to get a live preview GUI for customizing bootstrap theme.

      Also, use "shinyOptions(plot.autocolors=TRUE)" at top of app to get plot outputs that respect Dark Mode.