- Sep 2023
chromestatus.com chromestatus.com
gist.github.com gist.github.com
permit streams to be transferred between workers, frames and anywhere else that postMessage() can be used. Chunks can be anything which is cloneable by postMessage(). Initially chunks enqueued in such a stream will always be cloned, ie. all data will be copied. Future work will extend the Streams APIs to support transferring objects (ie. zero copy).
js const rs = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { controller.enqueue('hello'); } }); const w = new Worker('worker.js'); w.postMessage(rs, [rs]);
js onmessage = async (evt) => { const rs = evt.data; const reader = rs.getReader(); const {value, done} = await reader.read(); console.log(value); // logs 'hello'. };
- May 2023
shaneosullivan.wordpress.com shaneosullivan.wordpress.com
- Mar 2023
Streaming across worker threads
```js import { ReadableStream } from 'node:stream/web'; import { Worker } from 'node:worker_threads';
const readable = new ReadableStream(getSomeSource());
const worker = new Worker('/path/to/worker.js', { workerData: readable, transferList: [readable], }); ```
```js const { workerData: stream } = require('worker_threads');
const reader = stream.getReader(); reader.read().then(console.log); ```
- Dec 2022
blog.nparashuram.com blog.nparashuram.com
TL;DR; A custom renderer for ReactJS that uses Web Workers to run the expensive Virtual DOM diffing calculations
blog.nparashuram.com blog.nparashuram.com
Tl;Dr; ReactJS is faster when Virtual DOM reconciliations are done on a Web Worker thread.
cheatsheetseries.owasp.org cheatsheetseries.owasp.org
- Nov 2022
- Aug 2022
gaplo917.github.io gaplo917.github.io
github.com github.com
The current web developmennt ONLY offload the tasks to web worker when the application encounter performance issues but NOT by the tasks' nature.
- Jun 2022
- May 2022
yoyo-code.com yoyo-code.com
- Jan 2022
threads.js.org threads.js.org
mmazzarolo.com mmazzarolo.com
A note on setting worker-loader’s publicPath with webpack 5
Webpack 5 introduced a mechanism to detect the publicPath that should be used automatically
Webpack 5 exposes a global variable called
that allows you to do that.// Updates the `publicPath` at runtime, overriding whatever was set in the // webpack's `output` section. __webpack_public_path__ = "/workers/"; const myWorker = new Worker( new URL("/workers/worker.js"); ); // Eventually, restore the `publicPath` to whatever was set in output. __webpack_public_path__ = "https://my-static-cdn/";
dzone.com dzone.com
rustwasm.github.io rustwasm.github.io
- Dec 2021
webpack.js.org webpack.js.org
Web Workers
As of webpack 5, you can use Web Workers without
new Worker(new URL('./worker.js', import.meta.url));
web.dev web.dev
github.com github.com
// main.js const { RemoteReadableStream, RemoteWritableStream } = RemoteWebStreams; (async () => { const worker = new Worker('./worker.js'); // create a stream to send the input to the worker const { writable, readablePort } = new RemoteWritableStream(); // create a stream to receive the output from the worker const { readable, writablePort } = new RemoteReadableStream(); // transfer the other ends to the worker worker.postMessage({ readablePort, writablePort }, [readablePort, writablePort]); const response = await fetch('./some-data.txt'); await response.body // send the downloaded data to the worker // and receive the results back .pipeThrough({ readable, writable }) // show the results as they come in .pipeTo(new WritableStream({ write(chunk) { const results = document.getElementById('results'); results.appendChild(document.createTextNode(chunk)); // tadaa! } })); })();
// worker.js const { fromReadablePort, fromWritablePort } = RemoteWebStreams; self.onmessage = async (event) => { // create the input and output streams from the transferred ports const { readablePort, writablePort } = event.data; const readable = fromReadablePort(readablePort); const writable = fromWritablePort(writablePort); // process data await readable .pipeThrough(new TransformStream({ transform(chunk, controller) { controller.enqueue(process(chunk)); // do the actual work } })) .pipeTo(writable); // send the results back to main thread };
medium.com medium.com
// To know the maximum numbers of thread that can be used // on user’s system, use window.navigator.hardwareConcurrency property.
- Sep 2021
developers.google.com developers.google.com
Ensure there's only one version of your site running at once. That last one is pretty important. Without service workers, users can load one tab to your site, then later open another. This can result in two versions of your site running at the same time. Sometimes this is ok, but if you're dealing with storage you can easily end up with two tabs having very different opinions on how their shared storage should be managed. This can result in errors, or worse, data loss.
I wonder how can we identify issues like this when they occur
- Jan 2020
dev.to dev.to
- Nov 2018
github.com github.com
- Oct 2018
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
web-perf.github.io web-perf.github.io
React is fast, thanks to the VirtualDOM. Using a diffing algorithm, the browser DOM nodes are manipulated only when there is a state change. This algorithm is computationally expensive. Using webworkers to perform the calculations can make React even faster.
github.com github.com