- Oct 2020
Each field presupposes, and generates by its very functioning, the belief in the value of the stakes it offers
"Shared cognitive presuppositions" βρες κι άλλα σχετικά με τη δόξα στο αλληλεπιδραστικό πεδίο (ίσως παρουσίαση [τακτ κλπ;;] κ συναντήσεις;) ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΗ;
As a space of potential and active forces, the field is also a field of struggles aimed at preserving or transforming the configuration of these forces. Concretely, the field as a structure of objective relations of force between positions undergirds and guides the strategies whereby the occupants of these positions seek, individually or collectively to safeguard or improve their position, and to impose the principle of hierarchization most favorable to their own products. The strategies of agents depend on their position in the field, that is, in the distribution of the specific capital
Κυριαρχία-ως-σχέση ή κυριάρχηση + Strategic Interaction
Secondly, one must map out the objective structure of the relations between the positions occupied by the agents or institutions who compete for the legitimate form of specific authority of which this field in the site. And, thirdly, one must analyze the hab
Εν τέλει, αυτό θέλουμε να κάνουμε με (και γι'αυτό χρησιμοποιούμε) τη θεώρηση της αλληλεπίδρασης ως πεδίου
the external determinations that bear on agents situated in a given field (intellectuals, artists, politicians, or construction com- panies), never apply on them directly, but only through the specific mediation of the specific forms and forces of the field, after having undergone a re-structuring that is all the more important the more auto- nomous the field, that is, the more it is capable of imposing its specific logic, the cumulative product of its specific history.
κανόνες μετασχηματισμού
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Second, within the field in question one must construct a ‘social topology’ or map of the ‘objective structure’ of the positions which make up the field, and the relationships between them in the competition for the field’s specific form of capital
ΔΕΣ REFLEXIVE SOCIOLOGY (ΑΡΘΡΟ) σελ. 40-δεξιά στήλη. Εν τέλει, αυτό θέλουμε να κάνουμε με (και γι'αυτό χρησιμοποιούμε) τη θεώρηση της αλληλεπίδρασης ως πεδίου
politics and structure of the field shape and channel the manner in which ‘external determinations’ affect what goes on within the field, making them appear a part of the ongoing history and operation of the field itself. The more important and autonomous the field in the context of the array of fields which together constitute a ‘society’, the more this metamorphosis effect operates.
Άλλος ένας λόγος για τον οποίο χρησιμοποιούμε το πεδίο (το πως περνάνε πράγματα απέξω είναι οι "Κανόνες Μετασχηματισμού")
defines the situation
ορισμός της κατάστασης και θέσεις των ερμηνευτών
Positions stand in relationships of domination, subordination or equivalence (homology) to each other by virtue of the access they afford to the goods or resources (capital) which are at stake in the field.
άρα στο πεδίο της αλληλεπίδρασης μπορεί όλοι να είναι ισότιμοι κατά τα άλλα ΕΚΤΟΣ ΑΠΟ τη δραματουργική ιεραρχία/κυριαρχία --> αποτέλεσμα του φορμαλιστικού επιπέδου
field, in Bourdieu’s sense, is a social arena within which struggles or manoeuvres take place over specific resources or stakes and access to them. Fields are defined by the stakes which are at stake—cultural goods (life-style), housing, intellectual distinction (education), employment, land, power (politics), social class, prestige or whatever
Όπου στο αλληλεπιδραστικό πεδίο διακυβεύματα είναι: ο ορισμός της κατάστασης, δραματουργικά μέσα, το deference, μορφές κεφαλαίου,(τελικά)κυριαρχία
ccle.ucla.edu ccle.ucla.edu
Situationally perceptible qual- ifications regarding age, sobriety, language ability, and solvency will have to be satisfied before individuals are allowed to hold them- selves as qualified for servic
Είσοδος στο πεδίο
Etiquette books are full of conceptualizations concerning the courtesies that men owe women in polite society
ΠΑΡΑ ΠΟΛΥ ΕΝΔΙΑΦΕΡΟΝ ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑ για το ενισχυτικό του αλληλεπιδραστικού ΠΕΔΙΟΥ
Perhaps behind a willingness to accept the way things are ordered is the brutal fact of one's place in the social structure and the real or imagined cost of allowing oneself to be singled out as a malcontent
κοινωνικοποίηση στην κοινότητα συμφέροντος, όλοι έχουν συμφέρον να συνεχιστεί η αλληλεπίδραση, ακόμη και αν ΚΑΘΑΥΤΗ η αλληλεπίδραση δεν τους συμφέρει -- κυριαρχία - δομικά στοιχεία
Yet it appears to me that as an order of activity, the interaction one, more than any other perhaps, is in fact orderly, and that this orderliness is predicated on a large base of shared cognitive presuppositions, if not normative ones, and self-sustained restraint
Πεδίο με την έννοια του bourdieu: έχει ειδική λογική, κανόνες, οδηγίες, χτίζει προσδοκίες κλπ
a domain of activity-a particular kind of activity
τομέας/είδος δραστηριότητας, πεδίο ως framed topology (τύπου bourdieu κ simmel;;;;;;;)
our experience of the world has a confrontational characte
ενισχυτικό του επιχειρήματος ότι οι αλληλεπιδράσεις είναι (και) παιχνίδια κυριαρχίας, ότι η αλληλεπίδραση ως πεδίο είναι τόπος αγώνων κυριαρχίας
Whatever is distinctive to face-to-face in- teraction is likely to be relatively cir- cumscribed in space and most certainly in time. Furthermore (as distinguished from so- cial roles in the traditional sense), very little by way of a dormant or latent phase is to be found; postponement of an interactional activity that has begun has a relatively massive effect on it, and cannot be much extended without deeply altering what had been happening interaction- ally. For always in the interaction order, the engrossment and involvement of the participants-if only their attention-is crit- ical, and these cognitive states cannot be sus- tained for extended periods of time or much survive forced lapses and interruption. Emo- tion, mood, cognition, bodily orientation, and muscular effort are intrinsically involved, in- troducing an inevitable psychobiological ele- ment. Ease and uneasiness, unselfconscious- ness and wariness are central. Observe, too, that the interaction order catches humans in just that angle of their existence that displays considerable overlap with the social life of other species. It is as unwise to discount the similarity between animal and human greetings as it is to look for the causes of war in genetic predisposition
main as an analytically viable one-a domain which might be titled, for want of any happy name, the interaction order-a domain whose pre- ferred method of study is microanalysi
Συν για το πεδίο της αλληλεπίδρασης
tions, that is, environments in which two or more individuals are physically in one an- other's response presence
Αυτό το uniquely μπορεί να είναι κλειδί για την αλληλεπίδραση ως πεδίο
- Sep 2020
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Drawing on the works of Ervin g Goffman an d Nikla s Luhmann, it is argued thatface-to-face interactions establish realitiessui generis. The y have a life on thei r own, and make demandson thei r own behalf. The y ar e abl e to constitute thei r own boundaries by mean s of an intricate interplayof processes of re ectiv e perception and communication.
Η αλληλεπίδραση ως πεδίο! Interaction order!
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o understand this struggle, we must con sider the context and audience for these inter actions. Even though Kox's commanding style fits accountability, it does not fit the order that the teachers had negotiated with the prior administrations. A
(Γενετική) ιστορία των θεσμισμένων αλληλεπιδραστικών πεδίων