5 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. 孟晚舟援引华为智能经济报告研究指出,“数字经济对全球总体经济的贡献份额在不断地攀升,预计到 2025 年,大约 55% 的经济增长将会来自于数字经济的驱动,全世界都在拥抱这个机遇,170 多个国家和地区都纷纷制定了各自的数字化战略。”在她看来,无论是当下还是长远的未来,数字化的旋律一旦奏响,便穿透企业的边界,连点成线,连线成面,共同创造产业互联网的新时代。孟晚舟表示,“明者因时而变,智者随事而治,数字化是共识度最高,也是当下确定性最高的话题。数字化已经成为越来越多国家企业和组织的共同话题,数字化技术将驱动生产力从量变到质变,并逐渐成为经济发展的核心引擎”。此外,华为战略研究院院长周红也发表“建设智能世界的假设与愿景”的主题演讲。周红提到,“我认为需要考虑 AI 的目标如何与人类一致、并且正确和高效地执行。除了通过规则和法律来加强 AI 的伦理和治理外,从理论和技术的角度看,要达到这些要求,目前还面临三个重要的挑战:AI 的目标定义、正确性与适应性、以及效率。”

      数字经济这样的描述,我个人感觉依然不够精准。 事实上,目前全球最顶尖的企业,google、microsoft、甲骨文、twitter、facebook、apple、Huawei、tikitalk、腾讯、阿里,没有一家企业不是从事的是与信息相关的产业和行业。 从信息处理的最底层芯片算力、到信息分发的管道、再到应用算力、再到终端应用,无一不是和人们的信息生产、传输、分发、获取息息相关。 再到如今大红大紫的Ai,ai的出现,将在信息的产生、分发、以及应用三个渠道领域产生深刻的变化。这就是他的可怕之处,

  2. Feb 2021
    1. 浅析 Gartner 2018 年十大战略性技术趋势


      Intelligent:AI 如何渗透到几乎每一项技术中,明确聚焦有望带来更动态、灵活和潜在的自主系统;关键词:AI



    1. Beyond its substance, though, Future Shock resonated just as much for its style. Taking a cue from the Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan, whose ability to deliver big concepts in snappy sound bites was obviously an inspiration, Toffler made the medium the message. His tone is equal parts alarmed and energized, professorial and breathless. He speaks of a “fire storm of change,” the “electric impact” of new concepts, populations “rocketing”; his language emulates the propulsive speed he’s describing. He shares catchy terms like ad-hocracy; he makes the future the most spectacular show on Earth, and you’d be foolish to look away. Even when Toffler depicts the potential dangers of accelerated change—offshore drilling accidents, for example, or decision-making algorithms—and proclaims the necessity of regulation, he believes that solutions must come from a thorough orientation toward future transformations. “The power of the technological drive is too great to be stopped by Luddite paroxysms,” he writes, and the book, despite its occasional cautionary tone, intoxicatingly sets the terms of its own worldview. “Is all this exaggerated?” he famously asks, before answering his own question. “I think not.”

      除了内容之外,《未来冲击》的风格也同样引起了人们的共鸣。受到加拿大媒体理论家马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan)的启发——麦克卢汉善于用简短的声音传达大的概念,托夫勒使媒体成为了信息。他的语气既紧张又充满活力,既有教授的口吻,也有令人窒息的语调。他谈到了“变革的风暴”,新概念的“电子冲击”,人口“飞速增长”;他的语言模仿了他所描述的推进速度。他分享了一些引人注目的术语,比如“ad-hocracy”;他让未来成为地球上最引人注目的表演,如果你对此视而不见,那就太愚蠢了。即使托夫勒描述了加速变革的潜在危险(比如,海上钻井事故,或者决策算法),并宣称监管的必要性,他也认为解决方案必须彻底面向未来的变革。他写道:"技术驱动的力量太大了,勒德分子的突发性无法阻止。"尽管书中偶尔会有谨慎的语气,但却令人陶醉地为自己的世界观设定了条件。“这一切都太夸张了吗?”在回答自己的问题之前,他问了这样一个著名的问题。“我认为没有。”

    2. The chief strategy for combatting future shock, according to Toffler, was to double down on the future itself. He called for government committees to fund large-scale future studies, for science-fiction writers to bring more methodical forecasting to their stories, for American schools to teach future-oriented courses (as a counterpoint to history classes). “To create such images and thereby soften the impact of future shock,” he wrote, “we must begin by making speculation about the future respectable.” This was not a new challenge; even H. G. Wells had taken pains to emphasize that the systematic attempt to project potential futures based on contemporary data could be a science, not mere fortune-telling. But Toffler’s book pushed futurism into the mainstream, not just in the realm of militarism (i.e., the type of nuclear-scenario planning pioneered at the RAND Corporation) but also in the “soft” spaces of everyday life, from “politics and playgrounds to skydiving and sex.”

      托夫勒认为,对抗未来冲击的主要策略是加倍押注于未来本身。他呼吁政府委员会为大规模的未来研究提供资金,呼吁科幻小说作家对自己的故事进行更有条理的预测,呼吁美国学校教授面向未来的课程(作为历史课的对比)。"为了创造这样的形象,从而减轻未来冲击的影响,"他写道,"我们首先必须对未来做出靠谱的推测。" 这并不是一个新的挑战,就连H.G.威尔斯也曾不厌其烦地强调,基于当代数据的系统性预测潜在未来的尝试可能是一门科学,而不仅仅是算命。但托夫勒的书将未来主义推向了主流,不仅在军事主义领域(即兰德公司开创的核武器计划),还包括日常生活的“软”空间,从“政治和游乐场到跳伞和性”。

    1. Live Voice Conversations Embedded EverywhereIn this mature phase, we will see live conversations embedded on every single webpage, article, and beyond. Using APIs, these social audio conversations will be available as users read articles, watch shows, play games, and traverse the physical world. Imagine reading an article, then choosing to listen to experts discuss the content in real time or hear opinions recorded from your trusted circle. Users could leave voice messages or recorded conversations in physical locations, like the geocaching community leaves physical items.

