11 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. While the food system contributes about 22-34% of the world’s greenhouse gases — it only gets about 2.5-3% of the climate funding.

      for - stats - climate crisis - funding - food system - contributes 30% of global emissions - receives 2.5% climate funding - only 1.5% of the 2.5% goes to sustainable food systems - source - Public climate finance for food systems transformation - Global Alliance for the Future of Food - 2024, Nov - reposted on LinkedIn by Jonathan Foley - to - Public climate finance for food systems transformation - Global Alliance for the Future of Food - 2024, Nov - https://hyp.is/E3p2hsqlEe-tG0ezHCPriw/futureoffood.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/ga_climatefinancereport_2024.pdf - TPC network - motivation

  2. Aug 2023
    1. one early reader of this write-up decided to use half 3x5 cards, so that they’d fit in mtg deck boxes.

      First reference I've seen for someone suggesting using half size 3 x 5" index cards so that they could use commercially available Magic: The Gathering (MTG) boxes.

      Oxford and possibly other manufacturers already make 1/2 size 3 x 5" index cards.

  3. Apr 2023
    1. 5
    2. subspaces of a normed spaceX (of any dimension)

      I just discovered that the subspaces in vector spaces are very different compare to metric spaces.

      1. A subspace of a metric space just have to be a metric space.
      2. A subspace of a vector space will still have to retain the vector space structure. But if it's viewed as a metric space, this doesn't have to be the case.

      Also take note that this is talking about any spaces of dimensions.

    3. 2.5-6 Theorem (Continuous mapping)

      Continuous mapping preserves compactness in finite dimensional spaces.

    4. 2.5-5 Theorem (Finite dimension)

      Compact Closed unit ball in a normed spaces would mean that we have finite dimension.

    5. 2.5-4 F. Riesz's Lemma

      Riesz's Lemma, preparing for a theorem about the norm ball in finite dimensional spaces.

    6. 2.5-2 Lemma (Compactness)
    7. 2.5-1 Definition (Compactness)



  4. Jul 2022