2 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
thescimus.com thescimus.com
Configuring PyCharm: Open PyCharm with ‘Pytest Web Framework’ Press Ctrl+Alt+S > Project Click ‘Project Interpreter’ Select Python 3.6 Click ‘OK’ Go to write over 100500 automated tests!!!
This section provides a step-by-step guide on setting up PyCharm for automated testing using the 'Pytest Web Framework'.
- Aug 2022
github.com github.com
This is an Appium plugin designed to manage and create driver session on connected android devices and iOS Simulators. Why Appium Device Farm? Automatically detects connected Android, iOS Simulators and Real devices before session creation and maintains it in device pool. Dynamically allocates a free device from device pool while creating driver session. Updates the device pool with a new device during test execution. Allocates random ports for parallel execution.
I believe this is software for a lot of mobile phones that recycle IP addresses (as they are unque alledgedly) and are more reliablu than proxies. Then all kinds of nefarious activities is emplyed on these mobile phones. this happens in countries like india/bangladesh ithink. perhaps there could be a better use for this infrastructure... appium device farm