10 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Jul 2019
    1. 2016

      Those patches eventually shipped in October 2016

    2. Kickstarter patches

      Patches The languishing Kickstarter backers’ patches are the first four pictured above. The fifth is from the Axanar Indiegogo and the Starfleet Disaster Response was available for Axanar’s “special events.”

    3. June 19, 2019

      Broken Promise<br> Axanar producer Alec Peters announced in February 2019 that Ares Digital was almost done and ready for beta testing, and that he fully expected to launch by the end of February. That didn't happen.

    4. entirely new registration and log-in system

      Contradiction<br> This news in June 2019 is at odds with the "finished updates" announced in February 2019.

    5. Donor Dashboard

      Funding Axanar<br> Ares Digital 3.0 is critical for Alec Peters' effort to raise at least $200,000 to produce the long-promised Axanar short films.

      Barred from public crowdfunding by the settlement in Star Trek’s copyright lawsuit against Axanar, Peters is depending on Ares Digital to raise the quarter-million dollars he estimates Axanar will cost.

    6. Indiegogo patches

      Indiegogo donors have been waiting since 2015 for the patches promised as perks.

      Here are the prototypes for those patches.

    7. your perks

      Axanar has had trouble fulfilling perks still owed to donors in three separate crowdfunding campaigns since 2015.

    8. Funding Axanar Ares Digital 3.0 is critical for Alec Peters' effort to raise at least $200,000 to produce the long-promised Axanar short films.

      Barred from public crowdfunding by the settlement in Star Trek’s copyright lawsuit against Axanar, Peters is depending on Ares Digital to raise the quarter-million dollars he estimates Axanar will cost.

    9. Ares Digital

      This blog post pertains to version 3.0 of Ares Digital, which was unreleased as of 2 July 2019. The system's development, despite the numerical designation, has not been iterative. Each version was essentially created from scratch.

      Former Axanar CTO Terry Mcintosh disputes ownership of Ares Digital as a trademark, and claims to have applied to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for registration of the name as a trademark. As of 2 July 2019 the trademark does not appear in the USPTO database.

      The original Ares Digital, never fully completed, was created by McIntosh. Version 2.0 was coded by Bill Watters, who has since resigned as CTO. Version 3.0 was created in his spare time by developer Jerry Ablan.