- Apr 2021
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no difference between groups
volume increase NSC with diagnosis (ASD -> typically developing control) hemisphere: bilateral structure: hippocampus
Bilaterally, hippocampus volume increased from baseline to follow-up in both ASD and TDC
volume increases with time (baseline -> 2yr followup) Diagnosis: ASD structure: hippocampus hemisphere: bilateral
volume increases with time (baseline -> 2yr followup) Diagnosis: typically developing control structure: hippocampus hemisphere: bilateral
- Mar 2021
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The ventricles of the depressed group were significantly larger than those of a group of normal controls
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> depression) structure: ventricle
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magnetic resonance
<dependent variable> increases/decreases with <independent variable> (condition1 -> condition2) structure: hippocampus hemisphere: left
<dependent variable> shows no change with <independent variable> structure: hippocampus hemisphere: left
- Dec 2020
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GM volumes in these regions did not correlate to rumination.
gray matter volumes NSC with degree of rumination diagnosis: treatment-resistant depression structure: right ventral ACC
gray matter volumes NSC with degree of rumination diagnosis: treatment-resistant depression structure: left dorsal ACC
gray matter volumes NSC with degree of rumination diagnosis: treatment-resistant depression structure: cerebellar vermis
gray matter volumes NSC with degree of rumination diagnosis: treatment-resistant depression structure: right superior frontal gyrus
gray matter volumes NSC with degree of rumination diagnosis: treatment-resistant depression structure: right cerebellum Crus I
whole-brain analysis revealed that rumination was positively correlated with the GM volume in the right superior temporal gyrus in TRD patients.
gray matter volume increases with degree of rumination diagnosis: treatment-resistant depression structure: right superior temporal gyrus
TRD patients showed several regions with smaller GM volume than in healthy subjects: the left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), right ventral ACC, right superior frontal gyrus, right cerebellum (Crus I), and cerebellar vermis.
gray matter volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> treatment-resistant depression) structure: ventral ACC subject matching: age and sex hemisphere: right
gray matter volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> treatment-resistant depression) structure: dorsal ACC subject matching: age and sex hemisphere: left
gray matter volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> treatment-resistant depression) structure: cerebellum vermis subject matching: age and sex
gray matter volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> treatment-resistant depression) structure: superior frontal gyrus subject matching: age and sex hemisphere: right
gray matter volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> treatment-resistant depression) structure: cerebellum Crus I subject matching: age and sex hemisphere: right
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There was evidence of acceleration in rates of ventricular enlargement in subjects with MCI (p = 0.001) and AD (p < 0.001), with rates estimated to increase by 0.27 mL/year2 (95% confidence interval 0.12, 0.43) and 0.88 mL/year2 (95% confidence interval 0.47, 1.29), respectively.
volume increases with age study time course: scan every 6 months for 3 years diagnosis: AD effect size: 0.88 ml / year^2 (95% CI 0.47 - 1.29) structure: ventricles data source: ADNI
volume increases with age study time course: scan every 6 months for 3 years diagnosis: MCI effect size: 0.27 ml / year^2 (95% CI 0.12 - 0.43) structure: ventricles data source: ADNI
There was evidence that hippocampal atrophy rates in MCI subjects accelerate by 0.22%/year2 on average (p = 0.037)
atrophy rate increases with age diagnosis: MCI study time course: scan every 6 months for 3 years data source: ADNI structure: hippocampus effect size: 0.22% / year^2
We found no evidence of acceleration in whole-brain atrophy rates in any group.
atrophy rate NSC with age diagnosis: healthy control study time course: scan every 6 months for 3 years structure: whole brain data source: ADNI
atrophy rate NSC with age diagnosis: MCI study time course: scan every 6 months for 3 years structure: whole brain data source: ADNI
atrophy rate NSC with age diagnosis: AD study time course: scan every 6 months for 3 years structure: whole brain data source: ADNI
A post hoc analysis suggested that the acceleration of hippocampal loss in MCI subjects was mainly driven by the MCI subjects that were observed to progress to clinical AD within 3 years of baseline, with this group showing hippocampal atrophy rate acceleration of 0.50%/year2 (p = 0.003).
atrophy rate increases with age diagnosis: MCI who progress to clinical AD during study study time course: scan every 6 months for 3 years data source: ADNI structure: hippocampus effect size: 0.50% / year^2
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Depressed patients demonstrated smaller brain stem and cerebellar vermis than controls. These differences were highly significant for the anterior cerebellar vermis and medulla.
volume decreases with diagnosis (normal control -> major depression) structure: cerebellar vermis
volume decreases with diagnosis (normal control -> major depression) structure: medulla
volume decreases with diagnosis (normal control -> major depression) structure: anterior cerebellar vermis
volume decreases with diagnosis (normal control -> major depression) structure: brainstem
There was also a striking age-related decline in midbrain size in depressed patients as well as in controls.
volume decreases with age diagnosis: normal control structure: midbrain
volume decreases with age diagnosis: major depression structure: midbrain
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Intracranial volumes significantly inversely correlated with left temporal ADC in patients with schizophrenia.
intracranial volume decreases with left temporal ADC diagnosis: schizophrenia
Compared to controls, patients with schizophrenia had significantly smaller gray matter intracranium and total brain volumes, increased 4th ventricle volumes, and greater temporal and occipital ADCs.
volume increases with with diagnosis (normal control -> schizophrenia) structure: 4th ventricle
volume decreases with diagnosis (normal control -> schizophrenia) structure: total brain
ADC increases with with diagnosis (normal control -> schizophrenia) structure: occipital white matter
volume decreases with diagnosis (normal control -> schizophrenia) structure: intracranium
ADC increases with with diagnosis (normal control -> schizophrenia) structure: temporal white matter
Patients treated with typical antipsychotic medication (N = 9) had significantly larger right lateral and 4th ventricles compared to those on atypical antipsychotic drugs.
volume increases with medication (atypical antipsychotic -> typical antipsychotic) structure: 4th ventricle
volume increases with medication (atypical antipsychotic -> typical antipsychotic) structure: right lateral ventricle
Also, age correlated directly with right, left, and 3rd ventricle volumes and inversely with gray matter intracranium volumes in individuals with schizophrenia.
volume increases with age diagnosis: schizophrenia structure: 3rd ventricle
volume increases with age diagnosis: schizophrenia structure: left ventricle
volume increases with age diagnosis: schizophrenia structure: right ventricle
volume decreases with age diagnosis: schizophrenia structure: gray matter intracranium
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Rates of volume loss between the groups did not significantly differ.
volume loss rate NSC with diagnosis (non-dementia -> preclinical dementia) study time course: scan yearly for 4 years structure: hippocampus
volume loss rate NSC with diagnosis (non-dementia -> preclinical dementia) study time course: scan yearly for 4 years structure: parahippocampus
NoD as well as PreD subjects had significant, time-dependent decreases in hippocampal and parahippocampal volume.
volume decreases with time study timecourse: scan yearly for 4 years groups: non-demented and preclinical dementia structure: hippocampus
volume decreases with time study timecourse: scan yearly for 4 years groups: non-demented and preclinical dementia structure: parahippocampus
PreD cases had significantly smaller hippocampi when asymptomatic. Parahippocampal volume did not differ between PreD and NoD cases.
volume decreases with diagnosis (non-dementia -> preclinical dementia) structure: hippocampus study timecourse: baseline scan of 4 year study
volume NSC with diagnosis (non-dementia -> preclinical dementia) structure: parahippocampus study timecourse: baseline scan of 4 year study
Significant time-dependent temporal lobe atrophy was present only in PreD.
volume decreases with time group: preclinical dementia study timecourse: scan yearly for 4 years structure: temporal lobe
volume NSC with time group: nondementia study timecourse: scan yearly for 4 years structure: temporal lobe
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For MCI and AD, prominent ventricular expansions were detected and we found that these patients had strongest hippocampal atrophy occurring at CA1 and strongest amygdala atrophy at the basolateral complex
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> MCI and AD) substructure: basolateral complex structure: amygdala
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> MCI and AD) substructure: CA1 structure: hippocampus
volume increases with diagnosis (healthy control -> MCI and AD) structure: ventricles
Mild atrophy in basal ganglia structures was also detected in MCI and AD.
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> MCI and AD) structure: basal ganglia
Stronger atrophy in the amygdala and hippocampus, and greater expansion in ventricles was observed in MCI converters, relative to those MCI who remained stable.
volume atrophy increases with diagnosis (MCI non-converter -> MCI converter to AD) structure: ventricles
volume atrophy increases with diagnosis (MCI non-converter -> MCI converter to AD) structure: hippocampus
volume atrophy increases with diagnosis (MCI non-converter -> MCI converter to AD) structure: amygdala
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Age was negatively correlated with putamen size in both groups.
volume decreases with age structure: putamen groups: healthy control and major depression
Depressed patients had significantly smaller putamen nuclei compared with controls.
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> major depression) structure: putamen matching: age
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No significant differences were found in the right ACG volume.
volume NSC with diagnosis (no psychiatric diagnosis -> pediatric bipolar disorder) structure: anterior cingulate gyrus age: children hemisphere: right
volume NSC with diagnosis (autism spectrum disorder -> pediatric bipolar disorder) structure: anterior cingulate gyrus age: children hemisphere: right
The left ACG volume was significantly smaller in the BD group compared to the NP (p=0.004) and ASD (p=0.006) groups.
volume decreases with diagnosis (no psychiatric diagnosis -> pediatric bipolar disorder) structure: anterior cingulate gyrus age: children hemisphere: left
volume decreases with diagnosis (autism spectrum disorder -> pediatric bipolar disorder) structure: anterior cingulate gyrus age: children hemisphere: left
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There were no significant group asymmetry differences, nor volume differences in the caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus.
asymmetry NSC with diagnosis structure: putamen age: youths
volume NSC with diagnosis structure: caudate age: youths
volume NSC with diagnosis structure: globus pallidus age: youths
volume NSC with diagnosis structure: putamen age: youths
asymmetry NSC with diagnosis structure: caudate age: youths
asymmetry NSC with diagnosis structure: globus pallidus age: youths
Youths with BPD had a trend for larger right nucleus accumbens (NA) volumes (p = 0.089).
volume increases with diagnosis (healthy controls -> bipolar disorder) hemisphere: right structure: nucleus accumbens
the prepubertal group had significantly larger total NA (p = 0.035) versus healthy controls, while the pubertal group did not show significant differences in the NA versus healthy controls.
volume increases with diagnosis (healthy controls -> bipolar disorder) hemisphere: total structure: nucleus accumbens group: prepubertal
volume NSC with diagnosis (healthy controls -> bipolar disorder) hemisphere: total structure: nucleus accumbens group: pubertal
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this effect was driven predominantly by the female bipolar disorder subjects
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy comparison subjects -> bipolar disorder) sex: female structure: hippocampus age: youths (6-16 years)
volume NSC with diagnosis (healthy comparison subjects -> bipolar disorder) sex: male structure: hippocampus age: youths (6-16 years)
subjects with bipolar disorder had smaller hippocampal volumes
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy comparison subjects -> bipolar disorder) structure: hippocampus age: youths (6-16 years)
both male and female youths with bipolar disorder had significantly smaller cerebral volumes
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy comparison subjects -> bipolar disorder) sex: female structure: cerebral volume age: youths (6-16 years)
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy comparison subjects -> bipolar disorder) sex: male structure: cerebral volume age: youths (6-16 years)
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After correcting for cranial volume, men and women had identical volumes of amygdala and hippocampus, as well as dorsal prefrontal cortex.
volume corrected for cranial volume NSC with gender structure: amygdala
volume corrected for cranial volume NSC with gender structure: hippocampus
volume corrected for cranial volume NSC with gender structure: dorsal prefrontal cortex
However, women had larger orbital frontal cortices than men
volume increases with gender (male -> female) structure: orbital frontal cortex
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the left caudate nucleus volume was negatively correlated with ASD ratings (t = 2.83; P = 0.005).
volume decreases with ASD rating hemisphere: left structure: caudate nucleus
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At baseline, incident AD already presented smaller volumes only in the left amygdalo-hippocampal complex
volume decreases with diagnosis (Control -> Alzheimer's disease) hemisphere: left structure: amygdala-hippocampal complex
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Amygdala volumes were significantly smaller in adolescents and young adults with BD compared with healthy participants
volume decreases with diagnosis (HC -> BPD) structure: amygdala age: young adult
- Nov 2020
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After controlling for shrinkage, strong correlations were found between magnetic resonance imaging and histological measurements for the hippocampus (r = 0.97, P < 0.001), hippocampus/subiculum (r = 0.95, P < 0.001) and hippocampus/parahippocampal gyrus (r = 0.89, P < 0.001).
postmortem volume NSC with measurement method (MRI -> histology planimetry) structure: hippocampus/subiculum covariate: adjustment for shrinkage subjects: alzheimer's disease and elderly normal control
postmortem volume NSC with measurement method (MRI -> histology planimetry) structure: hippocampus/parahippocampal gyrus covariate: adjustment for shrinkage subjects: alzheimer's disease and elderly normal control
postmortem volume NSC with measurement method (MRI -> histology planimetry) structure: hippocampus covariate: adjustment for shrinkage subjects: alzheimer's disease and elderly normal control
Strong correlations between the magnetic resonance imaging subvolumes and neuronal counts were found for the hippocampus (r = 0.90, P < 0.001) and the hippocampus/subiculum subvolume (r = 0.84, P < 0.001).
postmortem volume NSC with measurement method (MRI -> histology neuronal count) structure: hippocampus/subiculum subjects: alzheimer's disease and elderly normal control covariate: adjustment for shrinkage
postmortem volume NSC with measurement method (MRI -> histology neuronal count) structure: hippocampus subjects: alzheimer's disease and elderly normal control covariate: adjustment for shrinkage
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The volumes of left and right SGC in patients with mood disorders were significantly reduced relative to healthy control subjects (SDM -0.38, 95% confidence interval [CI] -0.67 to -0.1 and SDM -0.2, 95% CI -0.4 to -0.007, respectively)
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> patients with mood disorders) hemisphere: left structure: subgenus cingulate study design: meta-analysis
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> patients with mood disorders) hemisphere: right structure: subgenus cingulate study design: meta-analysis
Patients with a positive family history of mood disorders showed significant left SGC volume decrease (SDM -0.52, 95% CI -0.96 to -0.07), which was not present among subjects without family history of mood disorders.
volume NSC with diagnosis (healthy control -> patients with mood disorders) study design: meta-analysis structure: subgenus cingulate hemisphere: left subject subset: patients without positive family history of mood disorders
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> patients with mood disorders) study design: meta-analysis structure: subgenus cingulate hemisphere: left subject subset: patients with positive family history of mood disorders
There were significant SGC volume reductions in patients with unipolar (left SGC SDM -0.5, 95% CI -0.92 to -0.07; right SGC SDM -0.33, 95% CI -0.64 to -0.02,), but not bipolar, disorder.
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> patients with unipolar disorder) hemisphere: left structure: subgenus cingulate study design: meta-analysis
volume NSC with diagnosis (healthy control -> patients with bipolar disorder) hemisphere: left structure: subgenus cingulate study design: meta-analysis
volume NSC with diagnosis (healthy control -> patients with bipolar disorder) hemisphere: right structure: subgenus cingulate study design: meta-analysis
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> patients with unipolar disorder) hemisphere: right structure: subgenus cingulate study design: meta-analysis
There was no association between age and SGC volumes.
volume NSC with age structure: subgenual cingulate hemisphere: right subjects: healthy controls and patients with mood disorders
volume NSC with age structure: subgenual cingulate hemisphere: left subjects: healthy controls and patients with mood disorders
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Compared with controls, 46 depressed patients showed increased ventricular-brain ratio (VBR).
ventricular-brain ratio increases with diagnosis (control -> depression)
Patients with poor outcome, single episode, onset at 50 years or over, or without melancholia were found to have greater VBR than controls.
ventricular-brain ratio increases with diagnosis (control -> depression) covariate: patients with poor outcome
ventricular-brain ratio increases with diagnosis (control -> depression) covariate: age of onset >= 50 years
ventricular-brain ratio increases with diagnosis (control -> depression) covariate: depression without melancholia
ventricular-brain ratio increases with diagnosis (control -> depression) covariate: single episode depression
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For both the amygdala and hippocampal regions, we found an overall significant volume reduction in the BD compared with the control group (P<.0001)
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> BPD I) model: omnibus structure: amygdala and hippocampus age: adolescents and adults covariate: total brain volume, age, sex
Amygdala volume reductions (15.6%) were highly significant (P<.0001). We observed a nonsignificant trend (P =.054) toward reductions in hippocampal volumes of lesser magnitude (5.3%).
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> BPD I) effect size: trend covariate: total brain volume, sex, age structure: hippocampus age: adolescents and adults
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> BPD I) covariate: total brain volume, sex, age structure: amygdala age: adolescents and adults
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Adolescents with BD showed decreased amygdala volume
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> BPD) age: adolescent structure: amygdala
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regional gray matter volume was lower in the ASD than in the control group in several brain regions, including the right inferior occipital gyrus, left fusiform gyrus, right middle temporal gyrus, bilateral amygdala, right inferior frontal gyrus, right orbitofrontal cortex, and left dorsomedial prefrontal cortex
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) hemisphere: left structure: dorsomedial prefrontal cortex
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) hemisphere: right structure: inferior frontal gyrus
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) hemisphere: right structure: middle temporal gyrus
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) hemisphere: right structure: orbitofrontal cortex
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) hemisphere: right structure: amygdala
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) hemisphere: left structure: fusiform gyrus
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) hemisphere: right structure: inferior occipital gyrus
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) structure: amygdala
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Compared with HCs, the male adolescent offenders showed significantly reduced GMV in five cortical and subcortical brain regions, including the olfactory cortex, amygdala, middle temporal gyrus and inferior parietal lobe in the left hemisphere, as well as the right superior temporal gyrus
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> violent offender) age: adolescent structure: amygdala sex: male hemisphere: left
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> violent offender) age: adolescent structure: inferior parietal lobe sex: male hemisphere: left
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> violent offender) age: adolescent structure: olfactory cortex sex: male hemisphere: left
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> violent offender) age: adolescent structure: superior temporal gyrus sex: male hemisphere: right
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> violent offender) age: adolescent structure: middle temporal gyrus sex: male hemisphere: left
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No significant differences were found in amygdala volumes between depressed, high-risk, or control subjects
volume NSC with diagnosis (depression -> control) sex: female structure: amygdala
volume NSC with diagnosis (depression -> high risk for depression) sex: female structure: amygdala
volume NSC with diagnosis (high risk for depression -> control) sex: female structure: amygdala
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Bipolar patients did not show significant differences in right or left hippocampus, temporal lobe gray matter, temporal lobe, or right amygdala volumes (analysis of covariance, age, gender, and ICV as covariates, p > .05) compared with healthy control subjects.
volume NSC with diagnosis (healthy control -> diagnosis) covariates: age, gender, ICV hemisphere: left structure: hippocampus
volume NSC with diagnosis (healthy control -> diagnosis) covariates: age, gender, ICV hemisphere: right structure: hippocampus
volume NSC with diagnosis (healthy control -> diagnosis) covariates: age, gender, ICV hemisphere: right structure: temporal lobe
volume NSC with diagnosis (healthy control -> diagnosis) covariates: age, gender, ICV hemisphere: left structure: temporal lobe
volume NSC with diagnosis (healthy control -> diagnosis) covariates: age, gender, ICV hemisphere: right structure: temporal gray matter
volume NSC with diagnosis (healthy control -> diagnosis) covariates: age, gender, ICV hemisphere: right structure: amygdala
volume NSC with diagnosis (healthy control -> diagnosis) covariates: age, gender, ICV hemisphere: left structure: temporal gray matter
There was a trend to smaller left amygdala volumes in patients (mean volumes +/- SD = 1.58 +/- .42 mL) versus control subjects (1.83 +/- .4 mL; F = 3.87, df = 1,32, p = .06)
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> bipolar) covariates: age, gender, ICV hemisphere: left structure: amygdala
Furthermore, there was a direct correlation between left amygdala volumes and age (r =. 50, p = .047) in patients, whereas in healthy controls there was an inverse correlation (r = -.48, p = .03).
volume increases with age structure: left amygdala diagnosis: bipolar
volume decreases with age structure: left amygdala diagnosis: healthy control
- Oct 2020
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Subjects with BPD had reduced gray matter volume in the left DLPFC
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> BPD) structure: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex hemisphere: left
gray matter reductions were found in the left accumbens and left amygdala
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> BPD) structure: amygdala hemishpere: left
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> BPD) structure: accumbens hemishpere: left
No difference was found in the hippocampus or orbitofrontal cortex
volume NSC with diagnosis (control -> BPD) structure: hippocampus
volume NSC with diagnosis (control -> BPD) structure: orbitofrontal cortex
- Sep 2020
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Compared with TD children, children with ASD exhibited increased structural covariation between adjacent regions, such as between the right globus pallidus and right putamen.
<dependent variable> increases/decreases with <independent variable> (condition1 -> condition2) structure: hippocampus hemisphere: left
<dependent variable> shows no change with <independent variable> structure: hippocampus hemisphere: left
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Both MCI and AD subjects exhibited smaller bilateral hippocampus volumes compared with CN individuals
volume decreases with diagnosis (cognitively normal control -> mild cognitive impairment) hemisphere: left structure: hippocampus
volume decreases with diagnosis (cognitively normal control -> Alzheimer's Disease) hemisphere: right structure: hippocampus
volume decreases with diagnosis (cognitively normal control -> mild cognitive impairment) hemisphere: right structure: hippocampus
volume decreases with diagnosis (cognitively normal control -> Alzheimer's Disease) hemisphere: left structure: hippocampus
The volumes of the bilateral hippocampus and the right putamen were also smaller in AD compared with MCI patients
volume decreases with diagnosis (mild cognitive impairment -> Alzheimer's Disease) hemisphere: left structure: hippocampus
volume decreases with diagnosis (mild cognitive impairment -> Alzheimer's Disease) hemisphere: right structure: hippocampus
volume decreases with diagnosis (cognitively normal control -> Alzheimer's Disease) hemisphere: right structure: putamen
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In comparison to the control group, ADHD patients demonstrated a significantly lower GM volume in the cingulate gyrus, left middle temporal gyrus, right middle occipital gyrus, left fusiform gyrus
grey matter volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ADHD) structure: fusiform gyrus hemisphere: left
grey matter volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ADHD) structure: middle occipital gyrus hemisphere: right
grey matter volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ADHD) structure: cingulate gyrus hemisphere: right
grey matter volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ADHD) structure: cingulate gyrus hemisphere: left
grey matter volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ADHD) structure: middle temporal gyrus hemisphere: left
- Jul 2020
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smaller total GMV in males with ADHD
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy -> ADHD) age: elderly hemisphere: bilateral method: VBM structure: GM
smaller GMV in the right medial frontal orbital area
volume decreases with diagnosis (health -> ADHD) structure: medial frontal orbital GM hemisphere: right age: elderly
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GM densities were inversely related to zBMI
density decreases with zBMI structure: GM
The volumes of accumbens and amygdala showed significant positive correlations with zBMI
volume increases with zBMI structure: amygdala
volume increases with zBMI structure: accumbens
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controls had significantly more hippocampal GM than patients
volume increases with diagnosis (schizophrenia -> control) structure: hippocampal GM
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A positive association between the Eyes Test score and gray matter volume of this region was evident in the control group, but not in the ASD group
volume increases with eyes test score structure: TPJ gray matter diagnosis: control hemisphere: left
volume shows no change with eyes test score structure: TPJ gray matter diagnosis: ASD hemisphere: left
the Eyes Test scores were lower in the ASD group than in the control group
eyes test score decreased with diagnosis (control -> ASD)
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There were no differences in cortical thickness between the groups
cortical thickness NSC group (rugby player -> control)
Within the players group, there were significant associations between greater alcohol use and smaller bilateral hippocampi and left amygdala volumes
volume decreases with alcohol use structure: hippocampus hemisphere: left; right
volume decreases with alcohol use structure: amygdala hemisphere: left
Professional players had smaller whole brain (p = .003), bilateral hippocampi (ps = .03), and left amygdala volumes (p = .01) compared to healthy controls
volume decreases with group (control -> rugby player) structure: whole brain
volume decreases with group (control -> rugby player) structure: hippocampus hemisphere: left; right
volume decreases with group (control -> rugby player) structure: amygdala hemisphere: left
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Amygdala volumes were significantly reduced in men with 47,XXY, compared to control men, while the decrease in women with 47,XXX was not as pronounced
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> 47,XXY) gender: female structure: amygdala
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> 47,XXY) gender: male structure: amygdala
Hippocampus volumes were preserved in both groups, compared to same-gender controls.
volume NSC with diagnosis (control -> 47,XXY) gender: male structure: hippocampus
volume NSC with diagnosis (control -> 47,XXY) gender: female structure: hippocampus
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There was a weak but significant inverse correlation between age and normalized hippocampal, but not temporal lobe or whole-brain, volume
normalized volume decreases with age structure: hippocampus diagnosis: healthy
normalized volume NSC with age structure: temporal lobe diagnosis: healthy
normalized volume NSC with age structure: whole brain diagnosis: healthy
we found no significant side-to-side differences in the sizes of temporal lobes or hippocampi
volume NSC with ['hemisphere', 'left', 'right'] structure: temporal lobe
volume NSC with ['hemisphere', 'left', 'right'] structure: hippocampus
normalizing measurements for the whole brain eliminated intersex temporal lobe and hippocampal differences
DV: volume normalized to whole brain IV: gender (male -> female) Direction: NSC Constant: structure (temporal lobe)
DV: volume normalized to whole brain IV: gender (male -> female) Direction: NSC Constant: structure (hippocampus) Constant: hemisphere (left)
whole-brain, temporal lobe, and left hippocampal volumes were significantly smaller in women
DV: volume IV: gender (male->female) Direction: decrease Constant: structure (whole-brain; temporal lobe)
DV: volume IV: gender (male->female) Direction: decrease Constant: structure (hippocampus) Constant: hemisphere (left)
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Significant reduction in the patients' gray matter was found in three brain areas: right inferior temporal gyrus, left cuneus, left inferior occipital gyrus
volume decreases with group (work-related adjustment disorder -> control) hemisphere: left structure: cuneus
volume decreases with group (work-related adjustment disorder -> control) hemisphere: left structure: inferior occipital gyrus
volume decreases with group (work-related adjustment disorder -> control) hemisphere: right structure: inferior temporal gyrus
MR images highlight a smaller hippocampal volume in patients compared with controls
volume decreases with group (work-related adjustment disorder -> control) structure: hippocampus
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we observed a significantly larger hippocampus controlling for cerebral volume in PTSD subjects compared with control subjects
volume controlled for cerebral volume increases with diagnosis (control -> PTSD) structure: hippocampus
Hippocampal volume was positively related to age of trauma onset and level of psychopathology
volume increases with age of trauma structure: hippocampus
volume increases with level of psycopathology structure: hippocampus diagnosis: PTSD
Segmented hippocampal white-matter volume was greater in PTSD subjects but not gray-matter volume
volume increases with diagnosis (control -> PTSD) structure: hippocampal white matter
volume NSC with diagnosis (control -> PTSD) structure: hippocampal gray matter
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Exposure (1-8 months) to HA led to an increase in brain ventricular volume
volume decreases with group (control -> high altitude exposure) species: mouse structure: ventricle
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ASD boys had a larger left MTG/STG GM volume relative to healthy controls and at a more lenient threshold relative to ADHD boys.
volume increases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) hemisphere: left age: adolescent sex: male structure: MTG/STG
volume increases with diagnosis (ADHD -> ASD) hemisphere: left age: adolescent sex: male structure: MTG/STG
ADHD boys having a significantly smaller right posterior cerebellar GM volume compared to healthy controls and ASD boys, who did not differ from each other
volume NSC with diagnosis (control -> ASD) hemisphere: right age: adolescent sex: male structure: posterior cerebellar GM
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ADHD) hemisphere: right age: adolescent sex: male structure: posterior cerebellar GM
volume decreases with diagnosis (ASD -> ADHD) hemisphere: right age: adolescent sex: male structure: posterior cerebellar GM
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The hippocampus volume in schizophrenia showed reduction compared to healthy control
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> schizophrenia) age: adult structure: hippocampus
Left amygdala volume showed a decrease as well, sub-regions including the bilateral basal nucleus, anterior-amygdaloid-area (AAA), paralaminar nucleus and left lateral nucleus
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> schizophrenia) age: adult structure: basal nucleus of the amygdala hemisphere: bilateral
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> schizophrenia) age: adult structure: anterior-amygdaloid area (AAA)
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> schizophrenia) age: adult structure: paralaminar nucleus of the amygdala
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> schizophrenia) age: adult structure: amygdala hemisphere: left
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> schizophrenia) age: adult structure: lateral nucleus of the amygdala hemisphere: left
Several hippocampal subfields showed smaller volume in schizophrenia patients, including bilateral presubiculum and molecular layer, left hippocampal tail, subiculum and cornus ammonis (CA)1, and right parasubiculum (P<0.05).
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> schizophrenia) age: adult structure: presubiculum of the hippocampus hemisphere: bilateral
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> schizophrenia) age: adult structure: subiculum of the hippocampus hemisphere: left
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> schizophrenia) age: adult structure: parasubiculum of the hippocampus hemisphere: right
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> schizophrenia) age: adult structure: cornus ammonis (CA)1 of the hippocampus hemisphere: left
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> schizophrenia) age: adult structure: molecular layer of the hippocampus hemisphere: bilateral
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> schizophrenia) age: adult structure: hippocampal tail hemisphere: left
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Women with anorexia nervosa (n = 25) had higher AQ scores and lower bilateral superior temporal sulcus (STS) grey matter volumes than the control group (n = 25).
AQ score increases with diagnosis (control -> anorexia nervosa) Gender: female
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> anorexia nervosa) gender: female constant: lower bilateral STS gray matter
The AQ scores correlated negatively with average left STS grey matter volume in women with anorexia nervosa.
volume decreases with AQ score gender: female diagnosis: anorexia nervosa hemisphere: left structure: STS grey matter
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There were no significant differential sex effects in subcortical gray matter regions or cerebrospinal fluid.
volume NSC with gender structure: subcortical gray matter
volume NSC with gender structure: cerebrospinal fluid
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We found decreased gray-matter volume in posterior brain regions, including the posterior hippocampus and cuneus, as well as increased gray-matter volume in frontal brain regions, including the medial prefrontal cortex, superior and inferior frontal gyri, and middle temporal gyrus in individuals with ASD
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) structure: posterior cuneus
volume increases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) structure: medial prefrontal cortex
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) structure: posterior hippocampus
volume increases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) structure: middle temporal gyrus
volume increases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) structure: inferior frontal gyrus
volume increases with diagnosis (control -> ASD) structure: superior frontal gyrus
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Anterior hippocampal volume did not differ between patients and controls.
volume shows no change with diagnosis (control -> MDD) structure: anterior hippocampus
showed smaller total and posterior hippocampal volume relative to controls.
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> MDD) structure: total hippocampus; posterior hippocampus
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Youths with ADHD had smaller caudate and putamen volumes compared to both BP groups and they had moderately smaller total amygdala volumes compared to the other three groups
volume decreases with diagnosis (bp -> adhd) structure: putamen
volume decreases with diagnosis (bp+adhd -> adhd) structure: putamen
volume decreases with diagnosis (bp -> adhd) structure: amygdala
volume decreases with diagnosis (hc -> adhd) structure: amygdala
volume decreases with diagnosis (bp+adhd -> adhd) structure: amygdala
volume decreases with diagnosis (bp -> adhd) structure: caudate
volume decreases with diagnosis (bp+adhd -> adhd) structure: caudate
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Compared with the sMCI group, the volume of the left thalamus, bilateral hippocampus, corpus callosum posterior and corpus callosum central was smaller in pMCI subjects
volume decreases with group (sMCI -> pMCI) structure: hippocampus hemisphere: bilateral
volume decreases with group (sMCI -> pMCI) structure: corpus callosum central
volume decreases with group (sMCI -> pMCI) structure: thalamus hemisphere: left
volume decreases with group (sMCI -> pMCI) structure: corpus callosum posterior
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The volumetric measurements of both the normalized ATL and HF were significantly smaller (p less than 0.001) in DAT patients (N = 20) than in controls
normalized volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> demential of the Alzhimer type) structure: hippocampal formation
normalized volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> demential of the Alzhimer type) structure: anterior temporal lobe
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
For each 1 SD (SD = 8.7 points) increment in AHEI-2010 score, an increase of 92.5 mm3 (standard error = 42.0 mm3) in total hippocampal volume was observed
volume increases with AHEI-2010 score structure: hippocampus hemisphere: total
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Fibroscan value was significantly correlated with PBC-40 (Spearman's rho = 0.499; p = 0.041) and disease duration (Spearman's rho = 0.568; p = 0.017).
fibroscan value increases with diagnosis (control -> PBC-40); disease duration
PBC patients exhibited significantly reduced hippocampal volume (p = 0.023) and increased susceptibility (p = 0.048).
volume decreases with diagnosis (control -> PBC) structure: hippocampus
susceptibility increases with diagnosis (control -> PBC)
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
age-related volume loss was significantly greater in men than women in whole brain and frontal and temporal lobes, whereas it was greater in women than men in hippocampus and parietal lobes
volume decreases with age gender: male; female structure: whole brain; frontal lobe; temporal lobe; hippocampus; parietal lobe
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Increasing ASD score was associated with greater GM volume
volume increases with ASD score structure: gray matter
- May 2020
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Suicidal patients had larger right amygdala volumes than non-suicidal patients
volume increases with diagnosis (non-suicidal unipolar depression -> suicidal unipolar depression) hemisphere: right sex: female structure: amygdala
Suicidal patients had smaller right and left orbitofrontal cortex gray matter volumes compared with healthy comparison subjects
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> suicidal unipolar depression) structure: orbitofrontal cortex gray matter hemisphere: right sex: female
volume decreases with diagnosis (healthy control -> suicidal unipolar depression) structure: orbitofrontal cortex gray matter hemisphere: left sex: female