9 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. The ironic interpretations of "Ulysses" may be the result of the modern tendency to consider the narrator of a dramatic monologue as necessarily "unreliable".
    2. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, author of "Ulysses", portrayed by George Frederic Watts "Ulysses" is a poem in blank verse by the Victorian poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809–1892), written in 1833 and published in 1842 in his well-received second volume of poetry. An oft-quoted poem, it is a popular example of the dramatic monologue. Facing old age, mythical hero Ulysses describes his discontent and restlessness upon returning to his kingdom, Ithaca, after his far-ranging travels. Despite his reunion with his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus, Ulysses yearns to explore again.

      Return of Ulysses (old age) to his kingdom, Ithaca. Even after returning home, he wants to explore.

  2. Mar 2024
    1. The Moor already changes with my poison.Dangerous conceits are in their natures poisonsWhich at the first are scarce found to distaste,But with a little act upon the bloodBurn like the mines of sulfur

      Describing how Iago's act was very little, but turned dramatic due to to perhaps everyone's love for drama



  3. Oct 2022
  4. Mar 2019
    1. “Why, that looks like that nice dull young man that tried to sell me a Bible yesterday,” Mrs. Hopewell said, squinting. “He must have been selling them to the Negroes back in there. He was so simple,” she said, “but I guess the world would be better off if we were all that simple.” Mrs. Freeman‖s gaze drove forward and just touched him before he disappeared under the hill. Then she returned her attention to the evilsmelling onion shoot she was lifting from the ground. “Some can‖t be that simple,” she said. “I know I never could.”

      Mrs. Hopewell and Mrs. Freeman see Manley as a "simple" man, that he's not that bright since he's just a young man selling Bibles to anyone he can, that he can't do much else. But after the encounter with Hulga, the audience knows that he is indeed smarter than he looks as he said. Manley is a manipulator and uses religion to get what he wants by trying to pass as a "good country person."

  5. Jul 2018
    1. Don’t be so extravagant.

      Is terminating a party extravagant or going to large extents to hold a party for the upper class when a man just died outside the gate extravagant? It seems ironic here.

    2. Really, it was very tactless of father...

      Another case of dramatic irony here, when Mrs. Sheridan and the other girls seem to be the ones who are "tactless", ignoring and being insensitive to the suffering taking place around them.

  6. Feb 2017
    1. Yet, a barful strife— Whoe'er I woo, myself would be his wife.

      Why is it significant that this line is said as an "aside"?

  7. Dec 2014