6 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2021
    1. What I’m studying is something dynamic. So the representation should be dynamic.”

      Related to Victor's Dynamicland project, as well as his thoughts on a "dynamic medium. A note about “The Humane Representation of Thought.” Worrydream. http://worrydream.com/TheHumaneRepresentationOfThought/note.html )".

  2. Feb 2021
    1. Dynamicland is a spatial computing project and new tech organization located in Oakland, California. They are dedicated to understanding how user interfaces will evolve over thousands of years. Dynamicland transforms a building into a computer–the UI can be a wall, or a table. Paper and sticky notes can be found everywhere. The ceilings are covered in cameras and projectors. Each individual section of paper is its own piece of the Lua programming language. Some printouts have their own code printed on them. One use is with paper representing datasets, and moving them together to the graph sheet, bringing the data into the graph. Another page uses a stick as a slider to pick the year of information visualized. Multiple users can interact with a program and the code directly, and together in the same space. Dynamicland as a creative space reflects the vision of SpatialFlow, creating an environment encouraging collaboration and playful experimentation, as well as movement through the space. The concept of using physical objects differs from that of SpatialFlow, where the user currently only manipulates virtual objects in the room. Dynamicland’s displays are rather flat, as they are based on sheets of paper, while SpatialFlow’s visualizations are three-dimensional for the most part. It will be interesting to see how the physical and the virtual can be best combined for ease of use. Dynamicland has inspired the transition of SpatialFlow’s prototype into more of an open-office plan environment, where creators may feel more at home. This allows users to understand the context of the space they are creating in, making it more believable and relatable to real working environments.

      Dynamicland是一个位于加州奥克兰的空间计算项目和新技术组织。他们致力于理解用户界面在几千年后将如何演变。Dynamicland将一栋建筑变成了一台电脑——用户界面可以是一面墙,也可以是一张桌子。纸和便签随处可见。天花板上布满了摄像头和投影仪。每一个独立的部分都是 Lua 编程语言的一部分。一种用途是用纸表示数据集,然后将它们一起移动到图形表中,将数据带入图形中。另一个页面使用一根棍子作为滑动条来选择信息可视化的年份。多个用户可以直接与程序和代码进行交互,也可以在同一个空间中一起交互。Dynamicland作为一个创意空间,反映了SpatialFlow的愿景,创造了一个鼓励合作和游戏性实验的环境,以及在空间中的移动。使用实物的概念与SpatialFlow不同,后者的用户目前只能在房间里操作虚拟对象。Dynamicland的显示是相当平面的,因为它们是基于纸片的,而SpatialFlow的可视化在大多数情况下是三维的。如何将实体和虚拟最好地结合起来,以方便使用,这将是有趣的。Dynamicland 启发了 SpatialFlow 原型向开放式办公环境的转变,让创作者感觉更自在。这使得用户能够理解他们正在创作的空间背景,使其更可信,更贴近真实的工作环境。

    1. “The idea of using physical objects as the computational medium is the focus of the group. What you see here is just the surface of where we want to go with it. We don’t want you to write code to make these things. You should be able to draw a diagram and have this interpreted as a diagram,” he said.


    2. each individual piece of paper on the walls and tables, here, is essentially its own snippet of the Lua programming language. Some pieces of paper have their working code printed on them. Dynamicland can actually perform OCR on that code and run it in real-time, but generally, it uses that code symbolically in the real world and has its own digital portion stashed on the server-side. However, when an object is changed, the system can highlight the changed lines on the paper printouts, and it has the ability to tag code sheets that are out of sync with their updated digital counterparts.

      在这里,墙上和桌子上的每一张纸本质上都是Lua编程语言的一个片段。有些纸上印着工作代码。Dynamicland 实际上可以对该代码执行 OCR 并实时运行它,但是通常,它在现实世界中象征性地使用这些代码,并在服务器端存储了自己的数字部分。然而,当一个对象发生变化时,该系统可以在打印出来的纸张上突出显示改变的线条,并能够标记与更新后的数字文件不同步的代码表。

    1. In Dynamicland, the computational media is not "hidden away in isolated virtual worlds", but rather exists in the common meatspace for all to see and get their hands on. This enables powerful ways of collaboration and sharing, working together with many hands and in eye contact with others around you. Dynamicland is "as multiplayer as the real world". Another Dynamicland principle is that everyone, not just specialist technicians, can make apps, these dynamic documents of the new medium. And everyone can modify existing artefacts to make them do what they want, just as anyone can craft artful or useful things from paper and clay and office supplies. In Dynamicland one walks the path from playing to crafting to remixing all the way to building useful things. This is programming liberated from the confines of the iridescent rectangle.

      在Dynamicland,计算媒体并不是 "隐藏在孤立的虚拟世界中",而是存在于普通的实体空间,供所有人观看和接触。这为协作和共享提供了强大的方式,用许多只手一起工作,与周围的人进行眼神交流。Dynamicland是 "像现实世界一样的多人游戏"。


    2. Operationally Dynamicland, Victor's research lab, follows the spirit of Douglas Engelbart and Xerox PARC, who decades ago invented the technologies and principles that became the foundation of the computer revolution and the information age. This first DL instance in Oakland is being realised by a small non-profit research group with a long-term orientation, something Victor is highly passionate about.

      在操作上,Victor的研究实验室Dynamicland遵循Douglas Engelbart和Xerox PARC的精神,他们在几十年前发明的技术和原理成为了计算机革命和信息时代的基础。这个在奥克兰的第一个DL实例是由一个小型的非营利性研究小组实现的,他们的研究方向是长期的,这也是Victor非常热衷的事情。