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  1. Mar 2023
    1. We adopt the ‘3 Is of justice’: interspecies justice and Earth system stability; intergenerational justice (between past and present, and present and future); and intragenerational justice (between countries, communities and individuals). These principles derive from the seminal work of Weiss on intergenerational and intragenerational equity64, with additional focus on interspecies justice. In interspecies justice, we include justice that promotes Earth system stability to prevent the collapse of conditions of life for all species. We fold intercommunity, interstate and interindividual justice into a broad category of intragenerational justice, which includes concern for intersectional justice.
      • Paraphrase
      • Earth System Justice that makes up the "Just components of the Earth System Boundaries are characterized by the ‘3 Is of justice’:
        • interspecies justice promotes Earth system stability to prevent the collapse of conditions of life for all species.
        • intergenerational justice (between past and present, and present and future);
        • intragenerational justice (between countries, communities and individuals).
      • These principles derive from the seminal work of Weiss on intergenerational and intragenerational equity,
      • intergenerational justice can be broken down into:
        • intercommunity, justice,
        • interstate justice,
        • interindividual justice
        • intersectional justice

      // ESJ is therefore characterized by INTERbeing

    2. joint knowledge to identify safe and just ESBs
      • collaboration between natural and social scientists that uses joint knowledge to identify safe and just ESBs for:
        • blue water,
        • climate change,
        • biodiversity,
        • nutrients (nitrogen and phosporus),
        • air pollution
    1. Cities exchange people, energy and goods with their local and global hinterlands9,10. Companies work with others across their value chains, near and far. Both interact with each other. We found that the top 200 cities with the largest greenhouse-gas emissions host the headquarters of 360 of the top 500 emitting companies. More than 50% of these cities and companies are in water-stressed areas, including Mexico City, Santiago, Beijing, Madrid, New Delhi, Rome, Istanbul in Turkey and Phoenix, Arizona.
      • Comment
      • large cities are often linked to large corporate headquarters.
      • depending on accounting techniques, this could bring a larger share of ESBs to a city
      • Title

        • How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm
      • Author

        • Xuemei Bai,
        • Anders Bjørn,
        • Şiir Kılkış,
        • Oscar Sabag Muñoz,
        • Gail Whiteman,
        • Holger Hoff,
        • Lauren Seaby Andersen,
        • Johan Rockström

      Next year, the Earth Commission, including many of the scientists on this report, will issue a report outlinging the Earth System Boundaries (ESB) to hlep cities and corporations stay within planetary boundaries.