- Nov 2017
www.yaelmonereau.com www.yaelmonereau.com
Social Technology is it worth it?
Testing out a feature
- Aug 2015
www.hastac.org www.hastac.org
Formal education is as much about power and compliance, conformity and regulation as it is about knowledge, mastery, intelligence, ingenuity, creativity innovation, or originality. Like the penitentiary that evolves at the same time, it is about a system of social regulation, where deviation has consequences--advancement, recognition, achievement, graduation, and awards, or detention and failure.
I love me Foucault (acknowledged in the bibliography below), but I'd rather not completely do away with the socializing value of education. Isn't it also important to follow some rules, learn some things that are mandated?
I think introducing student-centered learning, indeed making it central, can be done alongside some more traditional forms of education. (Not suggesting that Davidson is a complete anarchist!)
Better Alternatives than the Term Paper
Think of the word count (not to mention critical sophistication) a student could accumulate/achieve via blogging or microblogging or even annotation...
Conducting Class in Public
Super interested in more on this. I think it's particularly scary for teachers and sometimes treacherous bureaucratically.
(points that are especially true for marginalized people, as Ta-Nehisi Coates says so eloquently and bitterly in Between the World and Me).
Really neat idea to try to tie this pedagogical argument to Coates's social critique.
The point is that, when students need to stand by their work in a public way, it reinforces that the work is about them--not about pleasing you, doing what you want, sucking up to you as a prof, all the cynical things students say about teachers and that credential-centered teaching inspires.
I love love love this, but does the mandate for student privacy (i.e. FERPA) ever get in the way of actually doing this? My impression is that at both the secondary and tertiary levels, the paranoia about privacy is only becoming more intense.
becomes part of the student's own responsibility
This point rings true for me from my experience. When students are responsible for their knowledge as part of their personhood, rather than following someone else's expectations, then they will truly "get it." It's like the difference between writing a paper for a teacher versus writing it for yourself (and/or a broader audience) because you are excited about the ideas/words.
Is this term too rooted in disciplinary education to retain in discussions of student-centered learning?
I will also be posting the blogs to a continuous Google Doc, constantly editing and updating, including outtakes and sketchy ideas. And it is open to anyone to leave comments.
Why not add these layers of annotation/discussion right here using an app like hypothes.is?
If you are tired of being the police--selecting, ranking, grading, snuffing out plagiarism and wrong answers and mistakes--and want to find the most creative ways to promote success for any student who earns it, student-centered learning is for you.
Great line. #pullquote
The new regulation?
Mother Jones, July/August 2015 Issue
Annotatable version here.
Allow students to pool their talents in order to produce a great collective outcome (an alternative to competing to see who is the best student in the class, gerting rid of the teacher's pet model of in-class hierarchy).
Online writing assignments can particularly lend themselves to this kind of collaboration: students working on a wiki may contribute research, design, and synthesis skills individually.
- Jun 2015
education.msu.edu education.msu.edu
g rant awards are a dminis tered by HASTAC - an alliance of individuals and institutions interested in new technologies.