7 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2023
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
Computational studies that analyzed HGT events among bacterial genomes revealed that HGT frequency positively and strongly correlates with the similarity of tRNA pools between donors and acceptors
- Nov 2019
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
HGT typically adds new catabolic routes to microbial metabolic networks. This increases the chance of new metabolic interactions between bacteria
- Oct 2019
aiche.onlinelibrary.wiley.com aiche.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
We tested a broad range of Enterobacteriaceae conjugative plasmids for their sensitivity to the growth stage of the donors and identified three distinct regulation types.
aem.asm.org aem.asm.org
In soil, bacteria tend to live in a state of dormancy due to prevailing oligotrophic conditions, which would not be particularly favorable for the development of competence
It can also be argued that the transformed DNA is a good resource of phosphates, nitrogen etc., so might be favoured in oligotrophic conditions?
www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
In culture conditions that enhance cell-to-cell contact, conjugation rates approach 100% with the cis-acting plasmid
high efficiency
- May 2019
link.springer.com link.springer.com
absence of nitrogen was found to increase HGT events three orders of magnitude
- Dec 2014
www.gmofreeusa.org www.gmofreeusa.org
This can not occur in the natural world.
Genes from unrelated species may be incorporated in the wild by the process known as horizontal gene transfer.
For example, approximately 8% of the human genome originated in viruses.
Up to a quarter of the cow genome apparently originated in snakes, and was probably spread by ticks around the animal kingdom.