29 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
  2. www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
    1. fair mistress of the mansion

      Fairytale again! also lovely alliteration, Austen does enjoy it

  3. Feb 2022
  4. Dec 2021
  5. Sep 2021
    1. Countries, towns, courts

      Alliteration of "C"

    2. whole world’s

      Alliteration of "W"

    3. well a well-wrought urn

      Alliteration of "W"

    4. tapers too

      Alliteration of "T"

    5. fortune flout

      This is a exmaple of Alliteration, a "repetition of a consonant sound, usually at the beginning of words in close proximity." It is a rhythmical tool that poets use to "underscore key words and ideas."

      Source: Responding to Literature, Richard Abcarian et al

  6. Oct 2020
    1. big bite of her bread-and-butter

      This alliteration highlights the naivete and childishness of Laura's understand of class distinctions. She believes that taking a "big bite of her bread-and-butter" is a form of rebellion against "stupid conventions" and makes her feel "just like a work-girl." Yet contrary to her intentions, the fact that she is able to eat without concern for how the food came to be on her table shows her privileged status. The sheer ridiculousness of the situation clearly steers this depiction of Laura as satire.

  7. Sep 2020
    1. It was now the time of the turn of the tide: and even as I stood there waiting, the broad brown face of the quicksand began to dimple and quiver–the only moving thing in all the horrid place.

      Something that was still begins to "turn", possibly hinting at events turning for the worse. This specific sentence is highlighted by the alliteration of the hard t sound in "time", "turn", and "tide". Furthermore, the peculiar repetitive form in "the of the of the _" emphasizes the intention behind this phrase.

      Collins is clearly hinting to the reader of shifting forces behind the scenes. The "big brown face" could allude to the Indians and the curse of the Diamond.

    1. Never doubt the power of pithy phrases. Maybe movements are made up of many moments. And avoid alliteration, always.

      Greg, this is awesome!

  8. Jul 2020
  9. Oct 2018
    1. What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why,

      alliteration: what, where, why Question words emphasize the speakers confusion and lost memory. Soft "w" sound indicates calmness. This relatively calm line is interrupted with the harsh "k" sound from the word kissed, perhaps to make it stand out

  10. Sep 2018
    1. Beowulf wæs breme blæd

      A lovely example of the power of alliteration: Beowulf's name is associated even before the hero appears with fame ("Beowulf was breme") and power or renown ("blæd") using sound.

  11. Mar 2018
  12. Apr 2015
  13. Nov 2013