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Cleaning Typewriter Type Slugs by [[Joe Van Cleave]]
JVC recommends 91% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) for cleaning typeslugs.
Brass bristle brushes from Harbor Freight.
Sally's Beauty Supply stiff nylon brush for cleaning typeslugs.
Bergeon Rodico 6033-1 as a cleaning compound (similar to Silly Putty and other older compounds) for typeslugs.
- Feb 2023
mnscu-my.sharepoint.com mnscu-my.sharepoint.com
“Oh, bravo, “Anders said. “Dead meat.” He turned to the woman in front of him. “Great script, eh?The stern, brass-knuckled poetry of the dangerous classes.”
- Aug 2022
www.1stdibs.com www.1stdibs.com