6 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. An r-block b that repays a redemption claim with comment (redeem, P ), P =[p1, p2, . . . , pk], k ≥ 1, has a payment in pi-coins, i ∈ [k], provided the balance of r does notinclude any pj -coins for any 1 ≤ j < i at the time of creating b, and has a payment in r-coins,r /∈ P , provided the balance of r does not include any P -coins at the time of creating b

      Why have signed coins?

      Makes it possible to track which coins been equivocated.

      But what's the use for it?

      What's the difference between "you can't use these specific coins as they were equivocatedly used already" and "you can't use these opaque coins, as they are in equivocation"?

      Later, at least, may succed given equivocation issuer have enough balance for both. Although then there's no point in creating equivocation in the first place. So nevermind, won't happen, except by silly equivocators.

    2. consisting of r-coins, which can be thought of as IOUs issued and signed by r

      Why do coins need to be signed?

  2. Sep 2022
  3. May 2022
  4. Mar 2022
  5. Feb 2019
    1. 摩根大通计划推出稳定币“JPM Coin”,能否引爆区块链大规模商用,会成为XRP的死对头吗,听听大咖们怎么说。

      <big>评:</big><br/><br/> 从深恶痛绝到转身拥抱,传统金融业巨鳄涉足区块链领域的温和脚步声并不令人惊讶。相反,令人惊异的是这群新晋区块链金融从业者对此举的默契反应——像极了宫斗古装剧里的那句「本宫不死,你们终究是妃」。 <br/><br/> 显然,XRP 的死忠不愿让摩根大通来分这一杯羹,场外固然也不乏泼冷水的声音。JPM Coin 能点燃冰冷熊市的救赎火焰吗?总在这群投诚兵将开口说爱它的那一刻起,有那么多猜不完的谜和底。不如哼唱一曲《浪流连》: <br/><br/>

      这个风风雨雨的社会<br/> 要如何开花<br/> 少年人如何落地<br/> 我们都是为了爱情而浪流连