3 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
www.bollier.org www.bollier.org
. The subterranean Republic of Commoners needs to step into the light of day.
-for: quote, quote - David Bollier, call to action, meme, meme - subterranean republic of commoners
- The subterranean Republic of Commoners needs to step into the light of day.
meme: subterranean republic of commoners
- catchy!
- Sep 2020
germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org
while a Minister’s view is always slanted on matters that affect his own interests, so that instead of promoting deserving persons he will fill the places with his own creatures, and will try to strengthen his own position by the number of persons whom he makes dependent on his fortunes;
Here, we see a distrust of Democratic systems, commoners, and burgher-capitalism.
The thread of logic is that people from lower classes - coming from positions of less power and wealth - are more susceptible to corruption as they attempt to shore up their own interests by surrounding themselves with flunkies and sycophants.
The nobility, on the other hand, need no such false assurances.
- Oct 2017
quod.lib.umich.edu quod.lib.umich.edu
They included porters and butchers, dealers in pastries and wheat, rope makers and textile artisans. But they also included many of the city's most prominent ulama, merchants, and acyan.