6 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
  2. Jun 2024
    1. nobody's really pricing this in

      for - progress trap - debate - nobody is discussing the dangers of such a project!

      progress trap - debate - nobody is discussing the dangers of such a project! - Civlization's journey has to create more and more powerful tools for human beings to use - but this tool is different because it can act autonomously - It can solve problems that will dwarf our individual or even group ability to solve - Philosophically, the problem / solution paradigm becomes a central question because, - As presented in Deep Humanity praxis, - humans have never stopped producing progress traps as shadow sides of technology because - the reductionist problem solving approach always reaches conclusions based on finite amount of knowledge of the relationships of any one particular area of focus - in contrast to the infinite, fractal relationships found at every scale of nature - Supercomputing can never bridge the gap between finite and infinite - A superintelligent artifact with that autonomy of pattern recognition may recognize a pattern in which humans are not efficient and in fact, greater efficiency gains can be had by eliminating us

  3. Sep 2022
  4. Oct 2020
  5. Feb 2019
    1. Scholarly dispute, says Descartes, turns on the desire to win an argument, not the desire to lind the truth

      Smart guy. So, how does he suggest finding the truth? "...taking as true only that which the mind cannot find reason to doubt"? Can we truly eradicate doubt??