2 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2023
skilldrick.github.io skilldrick.github.io
The simulator widget below contains the entire source code of the game. I’ll explain how it works in the following sections.
- Apr 2022
One of the field’sleading textbooks was authored by literature scholar Edward P. J. Corbett, whonever relinquished the notion that emulating the work of the masters was the firststep toward developing one’s own distinctive style. “Imitate, that you may bedifferent!” Corbett thundered.
Literature scholar Edward P.J. Corbett used to command "Imitate, that you may be different!" While his rhetoric and composition textbook may have encouraged students to emulate the masters, this pattern goes back to ancient Greek rhetoricians who also admonished
Link to rhetoric examples in antiquity. Link to the Finding Forrester example.