2 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2023
    1. “...it can be very useful for coming up with ideas out of thin air, essentially. All you need is a little bit of seed text, maybe some notes on a story you've been thinking about or random bits of inspiration and you can hit a button that gives you nearly infinite story ideas.”- Eugenia Triantafyllou

      Eugenia Triantafyllou is talking about crutches for creativity and inspiration, but seems to miss the value of collecting interesting tidbits along the road of life that one can use later. Instead, the emphasis here becomes one of relying on an artificial intelligence doing it for you at the "hit of a button". If this is the case, then why not just let the artificial intelligence do all the work for you?

      This is the area where the cultural loss of mnemonics used in orality or even the simple commonplace book will make us easier prey for (over-)reliance on technology.

      Is serendipity really serendipity if it's programmed for you?

  2. Nov 2018
    1. Hoje, fala-se em aborto eugênico, quando o feto tem má formação. A doutrina demonstra que essas más formações são necessárias para o reequilíbrio do Espírito. A Eugenia gerou tristes problemas na Alemanha Nazista. Em 1939 foi decidido que seriam mortas ou esterilizadas as pessoas com defeitos congênitos. Aos poucos, o valor da vida caiu tanto, que matavam crianças que urinavam na cama, as que tinham orelha mal formada ou dificuldades em aprender.