2 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
SAL KHAN: Right, exactly. ELON MUSK: Because for sure failure is one of the possibilities. But, ideally, you want to try to bracket it and say success is in the envelope of outcomes. And I wasn't quite sure if that was the case. I think success on an academic level would have been quite likely, because you can publish some useless paper--
Kalau Anda Elon Musk, Anda bisa bicara apa saja. :) Tapi memang mendekatkan sains agar lebih dekat dengan aplikasi memang sulit. Apalagi kalau sejak awal produk yang menjadi target ya hanya makalah :) https://youtu.be/vDwzmJpI4io
- May 2017
www.inverse.com www.inverse.com
At full capacity, the factory is set to produce batteries faster than the rate of bullets leaving a machine gun.
Okay, I literally cannot imagine this!