- Oct 2024
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- Sep 2022
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What kind of assessment approach does our current moment warrant?
Good question.
- Jan 2020
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Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0002591
anteverted nares
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000463
short nose
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0003196
low-set ears
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000369
widely spaced eyes
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000316
thick eyebrows
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000574
flat face
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0012368
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000268
speech impairment
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0002167
severe developmental delay
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0011344
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aortic dilatation
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0004942
small patent ductus arteriosus
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001643
ventricular septal defect
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001629
atrial septal defect
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001631
mitral valve regurgitation
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001653
aggressive behaviors
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000718
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0007018
central obesity
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0012743
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000028
Talipes equinovarus
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001762
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001166
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0002650
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000767
pectus carinatum
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000768
short philtrum
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000322
large ears
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000400
midface hypoplasia
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0011800
open-mouth appearance
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000194
long face
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000276
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001290
tall stature
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000098
intellectual disability (ID)
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001249
developmental delay
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001263
- HP:0000768
- HP:0000098
- HP:0000322
- HP:0000400
- monarchLookup
- HP:0001249
- HP:0000194
- HP:0001643
- ClinGen
- gene:NKAP
- HP:0001290
- HP:0000028
- hpoLookup
- group:1
- HP:0001629
- HP:0004942
- HP:0000718
- HP:0001166
- HP:0001762
- HP:0002650
- HP:0011800
- HP:0012743
- HP:0000276
- HP:0001263
- HP:0000767
- hpoLookup:group
- HP:0001631
- HP:0001653
- HP:0007018
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Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0032558
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0032560
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0032559
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0012207
- Dec 2019
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Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0003256
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001987
Abnormal femoral head epiphysis
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0010574
Irregular vertebrae
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0004582
Hypoplastic vertebrae
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0008417
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0008151
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0006554
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0002240
Prothrombin time
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0008151
Total bilirubin
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0003573
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0031956
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0031964
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001943
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Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001249
- Oct 2019
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developmental delay
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001263
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progressive microcephaly
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000252
- Sep 2019
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Facial dysmorphisms
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP%3A0000271
sleeping difficulties
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0002360
Behavioral abnormalities
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0000708
developmental delay
Monarch lookup result: https://monarchinitiative.org/phenotype/HP:0001263
- May 2019
I can see how the drama of this moment is enticing. It offers a grandeur, a sweeping purity to our possibly flawed and fumbling and ambivalent selves. It justifies all our failings and setbacks and mediocrities; it wasn’t us, it was men, or the patriarchy, holding us back, objectifying us. It is easier to think, for instance, that we were discriminated against than that our story wasn’t good enough or original enough to be published in The Paris Review, or even that it did not meet the editor’s highly idiosyncratic yet widely revered tastes. Or that a man said something awful and sexual to us while we were working on a television show, and we got depressed and could never again achieve what we might have. And yet do we really in our hearts believe that is the whole story? Is this a complete and satisfying explanation? There is, of course, sexism, which looms and shadows us in all kinds of complicated and unmappable ways, but is it the totalizing force, the central organizing narrative, of our lives? This is where the movement veers from important and exhilarating correction into implausibility and rationalization. (One of the deeply anonymous says, “This seems like such a boring way to look at your life.”)
I absolutely agree with this conclusion--mob mentality has always been more detrimental than beneficial if at all, and we should be able to see this clearly in the United States today. However, I feel like this point could have been made in a satisfactory manner halfway through this essay. I could see this conclusion coming from the beginning of the second page and the bits about Lorin Stein and Moira Donegan's hypocrisy could have been a separate essay by themselves. Otherwise a very sensible and interesting read.
I have a feeling that if one met @yoloethics or the rest of her Twitter cohort in person, they would seem normal, funny, smart, well read. But the vicious energy and ugliness is there beneath the fervor of our new reckoning, adeptly disguised as exhilarating social change. It feels as if the feminist moment is, at times, providing cover for vindictiveness and personal vendettas and office politics and garden-variety disappointment, that what we think of as purely positive social change is also, for some, blood sport.
I love the references to the Roman empire here--the description of twitter followers as cohorts and the twitter frenzy as a blood sport really hits home the disturbing and vindictive nature of this entire issue.
It can be hard to disentangle one man and the things he may or may not have done from hundreds of years of sexist oppression.
In terms of workplace harassment in particular, this statement is revealing of a larger issue--I was searching for a comprehensive analysis of the global incidence of workplace sexual harassment in the, but apparently as of 2015 there was no survey done since 1994. This is truly alarming to me, as there is a sincere lack of data and this is just helping to feed this twitter frenzy issue. This may be the main reason why company policies are slow to change.
Source: https://wol.iza.org/uploads/articles/188/pdfs/sexual-harassment-in-workplace.pdf
“I like Lorin,” she told me. “I don’t have a personal stake in this.” She then informed me that he had sexually harassed two interns at Farrar, Straus and Giroux, where he had worked before his Paris Review tenure, leading to hushed-up, sealed settlements. She delivered this piece of highly specific information so confidently that I did not stop and think, even though I teach in a journalism department: Is this factually correct?
I understand that this feeds into Roiphe's argument that the twitter frenzy happens the same way, but it would have served her argument better to include an instance from twitter itself. This and the next few paragraphs make this and the twitter issue seem resigned to human nature. The final paragraph is a good objection to it, but here its treated too lightly in my opinion.
The night the New York Times broke the news of Stein’s resignation, I was with one of the deeply anonymous women in a coffee shop, and after I left she ran out and caught up to me on the dark street to tell me about it. When I got home, I saw that @MegaMoira had tweeted a photo of the piece with the words, “champagne anyone.” I thought of the email Lorin had sent me when my book on writers’ deaths, The Violet Hour, came out. It was such a strange, private project, but in a few lines he made it vivid again to me, renewed and energized me on a long winter afternoon to sit down and start something new. However one feels about the end of an era at The Paris Review, it doesn’t seem like a time for celebration.
While I believe that Stein's resignation needed to happen, Roiphe is correct in her sentiment that nobody really wins from this situation. The Paris Review is worse off as a company for not having him anymore and the fact that he would commit such offenses broke the hearts of everyone close to him.
However, after the list came out but before Lorin Stein resigned as editor of The Paris Review, she tweeted: “every profile of Lorin Stein calls him ‘skinny and bespectacled’ but here’s the thing: he’s not that skinny.” She added: “I guess ‘bespectacled, bald, and busting out [of] the bespoke shirts he’s still having made with 15 year old measurements’ doesn’t have the same ring to it.” Later, these tweets were deleted. But if we could think in less gendered terms for a moment, one could reasonably ask: Who is harassing whom?
I absolutely agree here--this does not venture beyond petty name-calling and is more crucially a demeaning of the person based on his appearance, which is one of the behaviors considered harassment by Donegan. This certainly puts renewed insight into her mindset when she says she wants a more respectful world.
I feel blessed to live in a society where you are free to walk through the city at night. I just don’t think those of us who are privileged white women with careers are really that afraid.
The question of safety at night is an interesting one and I don't think the answer is as simple as the society (especially in the city, where intimacy is not ambient but compartmentalized) in which one acts. Even the presence of streetlights (and by extension the invention and proliferation of electric lighting) has a large impact on safety at night. Money surely has a place in it as well.
Here is what the last few days have reminded me: white men, even those on the left, are so safe, so insulated from the policies of a reactionary presidency, that many of them view politics as entertainment, a distraction without consequences, in which they get to indulge their vanity by fantasizing that they are on the side of good. . . . The morning after the election, I found the penis-shaped shot glass in my kitchen and threw it against the wall. I am not proud of this, but it felt good to destroy something a white man loved.
And yet, the way you write those sentences, especially the one at the end, makes it look like you are indeed proud of that. It makes you seem pettier than you intended to be. Also I really don't understand the concept of penis shaped shot glasses--it seems like it would be more difficult to drink from than a wide glass.
Every woman, every day, when she leaves her house, starts to think about safety. Can I go here? Should I go out there?. . . Do I need to find a taxi? Is the taxi driver going to rape me? You know, women are so hemmed in by fear of men, it profoundly limits our lives.
It really does not help Solnit's cause to make statements like this that are unverifiable in nature.
In 1996, a six-year-old boy with Coke-bottle glasses, Johnathan Prevette, was suspended from school for sexual harassment after kissing a little girl on the cheek.
Below is the source for the fact and the following passage. I agree with the sentiments of Johnathan's father in the report--I have seen many boys kiss girls on the cheek when I was in elementary school and this was blown completely out of proportion. It was obvious that the boy did not intend to cause that kind of harm, nor even conceive of it.
Can this possibly be a good thing?
This bit seems unnecessary to me. The entire previous part of this paragraph is devoted to the portrayal of whisper networks as consequences of bad things, so this would have served Roiphe's point better if it was at the beginning of the paragraph.
For years, women confined their complaints about sexual harassment to whisper networks for fear of reprisal from men.
I wanted to find a source for this information that is not a news story, but have failed so far.
Before the piece was even finished, let alone published, people were calling me “pro-rape,” “human scum,” a “harridan,” a “monster out of Stephen King’s ‘IT,’?” a “ghoul,” a “bitch,” and a “garbage person”—all because of a rumor that I was planning to name the creator of the so-called Shitty Media Men list.
This is a reference to Moira Donegan.
No one would talk to me for this piece. Or rather, more than twenty women talked to me, sometimes for hours at a time, but only after I promised to leave out their names, and give them what I began to call deep anonymity.
An example of toxic shame (or rather a fear of toxic shame as a result of the twitter culture as described by Roiphe in the following paragraphs) that is not necessarily present from childhood, but is certainly imposed by others.
I am not trying to suggest that the list makers don’t understand the difference in scale between leering and assault, but rather that the blurring of common (if a little sleazy) behavior and serious sexual harassment reveals a lot about how they think. For them, the world is overrun with leering monsters you have to steer around, as if in a video game.
It is precisely, in my opinion, because the writers knew the difference between assault and leering that they wrote the list in such a manner (specifically, a spreadsheet to be presented). It seems as though at least some of them were trying to hit somebody with it and that makes it a particularly disturbing example of refined cruelty to me.
To do a close reading of the list: some of the offenses on the spreadsheet (“creepy DMs,” “weird lunch ‘dates,’” “leering,” “flirting,” “violent language,” and “leading on multiple women online”) seem not quite substantial or rare enough to put into the category of sexual misconduct. I am not even sure they merit a warning to a hopeful young employee. I have graduate students who go on to work for these sorts of publications, and I am very mother-hen-ish about them. But I can’t imagine sitting with one of my smart, ambitious students in my office, lined with shelves of books like The Second Sex and A Room of One’s Own and I Love Dick and The Argonauts, saying, “Before you go work there, I just want to warn you, that guy might leer at you.” I would worry I was being condescending, treating her like a child who doesn’t know how to handle herself in the world
This seems very sensible to me. Anybody, I think, with a reasonable mindset would agree that adults are capable of dealing with such minor transgressions as flirting, leering, and violent language (whatever that means). Whether or not they treat such behavior as serious harassment is ultimately dependent on the context and on their particular judgment of the situation. This list seems to throw all meaningful context out the window and is very difficult to take seriously as a result.
(“It feels Maoist,” says one of the deeply anonymous, while others question whether the list was ever designed to remain clandestine in the first place.)
In my personal experience, spreadsheets are meant to be easily readable and organized in such a way that their purpose is to be a presentation of information and data to others. In other words, if this list was a spreadsheet, then I believe it was meant to be shared with as many people as possible and not really intended to be clandestine.
The Shitty Media Men list, the anonymously crowd-sourced spreadsheet chronicling sexual misconduct in the publishing world, is a good example. If we think of how we would feel about a secretly circulating, anonymously crowd-sourced list of Muslims who might blow up planes, the strangeness of the document snaps into focus.
A very apt comparison. Writers of both documents would be susceptible to prosecution in the form of libel suits regardless of the degree of truth behind the allegations. In fact, one libel suit was filed by Stephen Elliott against Moira Donegan. Elliott also wrote a response to the Shitty Media Men List;
Suit: https://www.latimes.com/books/la-et-jc-stephen-elliott-20181015-story.html
Response: https://quillette.com/2018/09/25/how-an-anonymous-accusation-derailed-my-life/
(One of the editors of n+1, Dayna Tortorici, tweets: “I get the queasiness of no due process. But . . . losing your job isn’t death or prison.”)
Ironically, this impatience with due process would violate basic human rights as codified in the 1949 Geneva conventions and would doubly violate the United States bill of rights.
Can you see why some of us are whispering? It is the sense of viciousness lying in wait, of violent hate just waiting to be unfurled, that leads people to keep their opinions to themselves, or to share them only with close friends. I recently saw a startling reminder of this when Wesley Yang published an insightful and conflicted piece in Tablet called “Farewell to a Scoundrel,” about former Paris Review editor Lorin Stein and the feminist moment.
When I read this part I could immediately agree with what Katie Roiphe is saying in regards to why some women are not willing to share openly about things that have been done to them in the work place. This is because when it's true and is spoken about many of them get immediately shut down. Which is like saying " what you experienced is not valid". If this isn't what happens sometimes when the women that do speak out they are attacked verbally. This is what reminds of the healing that was discussed in class. These negative reactions that many times are gut reactions from others sometimes will make the person feel like what happened to them was there fault.
- Jul 2016
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Thirty kings and two minors have reigned in that distracted kingdom sincethe conquest, in which time there has been (including the revolution) no less than eight civil wars and nineteen Rebellions.
The citation stated here is evidence that the continued rule on lineage has caused many a conflict over the years.
avor of hereditary succession is,that itpreserves a nation from civil wars; and were this true, it would be weighty; whereasit is the most bare-faced falsity ever imposed upon mankind
This is clearly the Assertion. Boldly stated is that heredity succession does not save from Civil Wars and it is foolish to believe so.
- Mar 2016
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Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
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- Feb 2014
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Chapter 1, The Art of Community We begin the book with a bird’s-eye view of how communities function at a social science level. We cover the underlying nuts and bolts of how people form communities, what keeps them involved, and the basis and opportunities behind these interactions. Chapter 2, Planning Your Community Next we carve out and document a blueprint and strategy for your community and its future growth. Part of this strategy includes the target objectives and goals and how the community can be structured to achieve them. PREFACE xix Chapter 3, Communicating Clearly At the heart of community is communication, and great communicators can have a tremendously positive impact. Here we lay down the communications backbone and the best practices associated with using it
Reading the first 3 chapters of AoC for discussion in #coasespenguin on 2013-02-11.