43 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2016
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
- May 2015
www.onthemedia.org www.onthemedia.org
readwrite.com readwrite.com
search engine innovator
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GetThere was a search engine? Or did @dwhly not tell us about something else?
researchity.net researchity.net
The key here is to not just democratize content sharing (the web has done that already) but to democratize and diversify reputation and trustworthiness. And to disrupt the monopoly academia has had on knowledge.
www.kurzweilai.net www.kurzweilai.net
www.techdirt.com www.techdirt.com
skeptools.wordpress.com skeptools.wordpress.com
www.cjr.org www.cjr.org
To achieve this, Climate Feedback—less an organization at this point than an amorphous gathering of climate scientists, oceanographers, and atmosperic physicists—is making use of a browser plugin from the nonprofit Hypothes.is to annotate climate journalism on the Web.
www.roughtype.com www.roughtype.com
What killed the annotated web was a lack of interest. Few could be bothered to download and install the plug-in
chronicle.com chronicle.com
He and his colleagues are keenly interested in the ability to annotate scholarship online, he says; Mellon has made serious investments in annotation tools and the development of open annotation standards by the university community and projects like Hypothes.is, which just received a two-year, $752,000 grant from the foundation to look into digital annotation in humanities and social-science scholarship.
readwrite.com readwrite.com
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
www.abc.net.au www.abc.net.au
lj.libraryjournal.com lj.libraryjournal.com
mbanks.typepad.com mbanks.typepad.com
bits.blogs.nytimes.com bits.blogs.nytimes.com
www.niemanlab.org www.niemanlab.org
saybooksonline.com saybooksonline.com
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
exchanges.wiley.com exchanges.wiley.com
www.hu-berlin.de www.hu-berlin.de
blogs.pjjk.net blogs.pjjk.net
- Apr 2015
acert.hunter.cuny.edu acert.hunter.cuny.edu
Annotating texts in the classroom
msweeklytip.wordpress.com msweeklytip.wordpress.com
Web Annotation with Hypothesis Extension