5 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2022
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
First, the majority population in eastern Virginia were enslaved blacks. Whites lived in constant fear of slave insurrection. Everyone knew about the 1739 slave rebellion in Stono, S.C., when blacks broke into a store, decapitated the shopkeepers, seized guns and powder, and marched with flying banners, beating drums and cries of “Liberty!” Up to 100 joined the rebellion before being engaged by a contingent of armed, mounted militiamen. Scores died in the ensuing battle.
The Virginia Declaration of Rights, written by none other than George Mason in 1776 when states controlled the militias, did not have one.
Recall that George Mason was an anti-federalist.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
A 1792 federal law mandated every eligible man to purchase a military-style gun and ammunition for his service in the citizen militia. Such men had to report for frequent musters—where their guns would be inspected and, yes, registered on public rolls.
- Apr 2018
wisc.pb.unizin.org wisc.pb.unizin.org
yeomanry defined? (simply as citizen farmers who worked their own land rather than plantation owners etc) Young readers unfamiliar with the term might be confused here.